Subdomains are not resolving...


Verified User
Oct 25, 2003

The main domain is resolving and working perfectly, but when I created a sub domain, I waited up to 30 minute but it still can't be resolved, I think it should be resolved instantly as long as the domain is working perfectly.

What's the problem? Any suggestion?

My Best regards.
New DNS entries take 24-72 hours to propogate throughout the internet. If you want it to work immediately, set the DNS server on the machine you are browsing from to your ns1 (or ns2) ip. It will probably be slower than your ISPs, but it will work.
If you're just adding sub domains you shouldnt need to wait for it to propogate. propogation that takes 24+ hours is really just when you change the nameservers for a domain listed in the whois.

Adding a records to a domain.db file shoudln't take long to propgate. Maybe try restarting bind.

Also, instead of using your servers nameservers for your workstation, edit your hosts file on the workstation, its got examples in the file of how it works.
Can i ask if you have tried removing the subdomains and adding them again?