[Release] Hermes Skin

OK. Thanks for looking that up. I only checked the power_user skin and it wasn't there...

Make sure you forward your fix to the DA staff ;)
I didn't base this skin on power_user - i based it on default skin. I heavily rebuilt it (as you can see by comparing source), but i didn't change html code for that page and didn't change any javascript. I will forward fix to directadmin staff as soon as i find it. Javascript on that page is correct, so it is mozilla bug and now i'll need to find workaround for problem so it will work with mozilla too....
I attached fixed version of ssl.html for Hermes skin and for default skin. Looks like there are more similar problems in other html files - i will check and fix it too.


  • ssl_fix.zip
    3.3 KB · Views: 269
Thank you. I have now access to those selectors.
There is one remaining difference with the official skins. The options are greyed out when the selector on the left is not at position 2.

And I've just checked the default skin. I don't have that bug with Mozilla, it seems it's a hermes skin bug only.
weird. html code and javascript are exactly the same. i just tested default skin and there are no problems - its only problem with this skin. very very weird. i'll check it all...
I found problem. There was bug with ssl page in default skin until version 1.20.4 - then it was fixed, but i didn't notice that and didn't fix my skin.

quote from changelog for default skin:
Nov 17, 2003 - user/ssl.html - in setRequest - change document.all to document.info

Now i'll need to go thru all changes from 1.196 (my skin is based on 1.196) to latest version and see what else i missed and next time i'll be more careful on these tiny changes that aren't announced in versions.php

Thanks a lot for help!!!


  • ssl.txt
    4 KB · Views: 322
Updated to 1.01

- fixed few bugs
- added versions to language packs (version can be seen in skins page)
- added current domain text to user panel
- removed links to panels in footer and instead put it in navigation
- added navigation to files that didn't have it
I still have a problem with that SSL page.

Right before the main table on the right, I saw a :
<b></b><br />
<br />
in the code.
Is this a skin bug or a translation issue?

Dans le panneau utilisateur j'ai toujours:
"Dernière connexion: `LASTLOGIN` de `LASTHOST`."

Pour la page SSL, il y a qqs fautes, je te colles ici mon texte et tu peux le differ avec ta version pour faire apparaître les fautes.

<!-- saved from url=(0022)http://internet.e-mail -->
|?CA_LANG_CERTCOPIED=Certificat copié dans la planchette|
|?CA_LANG_SSLCERT=Certificats SSL|
|?CA_LANG_USERSERVERSSL=Utiliser le certificat du serveur|
|?CA_LANG_USERSERVERSSLSHARED=Utiliser le certificat partagé du serveur.|
|?CA_LANG_CREATEOWNSIGNEDSSL=Créer votre propre certificat signé|
|?CA_LANG_CREATESSLREQUEST=Créer une demande de certificat (CSR)|
|?CA_LANG_COUNTRYCODE=2 Lettres du code de Pays|
|?CA_LANG_COMPANYDIV=Division de la compagnie|
|?CA_LANG_COMMONNAME=Nom commun (www)|
|?CA_LANG_PASTEKEY=Coller un certificat pré-généré et la clé|
|?CA_LANG_URLPASTE=<a href="/CMD_SSL?DOMAIN=`DOMAIN`&view=cacert">Cliquez ici</a> pour coller un certificat racine CA|
|?CA_LANG_CASSLCERT=Autorité de certification SSL|
|?CA_LANG_USECACERT=Utiliser un certificat CA.|
|?CA_LANG_PASTEFROMCLIPBRD=Coller depuis la planchette|
|?CA_LANG_COPYTOCLIPBRD=Copier à la planchette|
|?CA_LANG_SSLCERTREQUEST=Requête d'un certificat SSL|
|?CA_LANG_MSG_TEMP=Vous allez envoyer ce texte à une autorité de certification et ils vont vous donner un certificat signé. Pour l'utiliser, collez le certificat signé juste aprés le <br>"-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"<br>de la page précédente et cliquez sur "sauvegarder".|
|?CA_LANG_MSG1=Lors de la création d'un document de demande de certificat, votre clé privée sera sauvegardée et affichée dans le champ ci-dessous et le document sera affiché dans une nouvelle page. Quand vous recevrez le certificat de l'autorité de certification, suite à votre requête auprès d'eux, collez le simplement dans le champ ci-dessous, juste après votre, clé sur une nouvelle ligne et cliquez sur "Sauvegarder". `CA_LANG_MSG_TEMP`|
interfasys said:
I still have a problem with that SSL page.

Right before the main table on the right, I saw a :
<b></b><br />
<br />
in the code.
Is this a skin bug or a translation issue?
This is nether bug nor translation issue. That code is for result:
<b>|RESULT|</b><br />
<br />
Variable |RESULT| will be shown only when you submit that form and until then it is empty.
Merci interfasys pour la notice. J'ai updaté le pack et corrigé les fautes pour la page SSL. Par contre, pour le :
"Dernière connexion: `LASTLOGIN` de `LASTHOST`." du panneau utilisateur je ne le vois pas. Le code fonctionne parfaitement ici. J'ai essayé avec Firebird et IE. La ligne complète est :
|?CA_LANG_HDR_LASTLOGIN=Dernière connexion: `LASTLOGIN` de `LASTHOST`| qui est située dans le fichier lang_main.html

UltimeWWW said:
Do you come from Europe guys?

Je viens de Montréal :D
Je viens de Shawinigan qui est à environ 30 minutes de Trois-Rivières :)
CyberAlien said:
Updated to 1.01

- fixed few bugs
- added versions to language packs (version can be seen in skins page)
- added current domain text to user panel
- removed links to panels in footer and instead put it in navigation
- added navigation to files that didn't have it
Can you update the screen shots to show these?
CyberAlien said:
This is nether bug nor translation issue. That code is for result:

Variable |RESULT| will be shown only when you submit that form and until then it is empty.

I see...I'll try to find a workaround because, for a user, that empty block looks like a bug ;)

nebukazar, c'est ok pour le lastlogin, c'était sur une vieille version de la skin apparemment.

UltimeWWW, yes, Switzerland.
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