DA User Tool

Icheb said:
* changed the user.conf so that the reseller appears to be created by admin instead of another reseller
* changed users.list of the original reseller so that the new reseller is no longer listed
Both are fixed in version 1.1 (available from original post).

Icheb said:
Problem : The for the user/new reseller allocated disk space is still available on the reseller panel for the reseller that previously had the user. How do i change this to reflect the correct settings without deleting the reseller ?
Not sure. If all instances of the new reseller have been removed from his/her old reseller's data, DA should not do that. Has DA retallyed since you executed the conversion?
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l0rdphi1 said:
Both are fixed in version 1.1 (available from original post).
Thanks :)

Not sure. If all instances of the new reseller have been removed from his/her old reseller's data, DA should not do that. Has DA retallyed since you executed the conversion?
No, it hasn't, but it did during the night, this problem is solved.
Is it possible to make DA retally a bit more than just once a day ?
Or will this damage the logs or something ?
Icheb said:
Is it possible to make DA retally a bit more than just once a day ?
Or will this damage the logs or something ?

To retally a single user:
echo 'action=tally&value={username}&type=user' >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

To retally everyone:
echo 'action=tally&value=all' >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

You can make the tally happen more often automatically by changing the /etc/cron.d/directadmin_cron file.

I keep getting an error when trying to excute it which is,

"su-2.05b# perl dausertool.pl
Not enough arguments for mkdir at dausertool.pl line 210, near ""$DA_DIR/data/users/$user/packages";"
Execution of dausertool.pl aborted due to compilation errors."

I was wondering how would i go about fixing this?
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Are you running freebsd? I probably need to convert some of the `` stuff over to pure Perl.
Yes i am :(. When do you think you will have a ported version for FreeBSD to use, i will even beta test it for you.
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I should have some time this evening to get it fixed (I'm EST GMT-5). I'll post here when I believe it to be working.
Thank you very much

It now works and thank you. I am sure the rest of the FreeBSD users are going to appreciate your work.
Suggestion to add to DA tools

I was wondering if it possible to add a feature to da tools where you can move users to another reseller? That would be very useful for me. I would be happy to beta test it for you if you would like.
When i converted an user to a reseller, then when i try to create a user from that reseller DA says:

Unable to create a User
You must first own an IP

But i assinged ok the server ip to that reseller ....
Isn't that what you want? You want your reseller to be able to create users on your server IP, no?

Maybe I don't understand your question.

Phi1. :)