webmail not working


Verified User
Oct 30, 2003

None of my clients on one server can login to webmail with the default account username login

Neither Uebimail or squirrelmail are working

Uebimail gives error "ERROR (2): fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to localhost:110 (/var/www/html/webmail/inc/class.uebimiau_mail.php:78)"

Squirrelmail gives error "Error connecting to IMAP server: localhost.
111 : Connection refused"

All other mail accounts created by the users work fine

Any ideas where I should start on this ?

I am using dovecot if that has any bearing on this

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xinetd is installed.

I also just found out that clients cannot get mails from the default accounts using outlook either, again the only mail accounts that work are the ones created manually in the DA panel

the outlook error is a username/password error

for some reason, and I am not sure why as this is a clean DA install, /etc/hosts had

::1 localhost.localdomain localhost

instead of localhost localhost.localdomain
i have the same problem here

after fixing the /etc/inetd.conf "imap2" to "imap4" i managed to get a connection but still the users can not login. In outlook it says no connection and webmail says bad login
dovecot imap email problem install

The mailog just "saw" that there was a connection and thats it.

But i managed to get it working, i reinstalled dovecot as described in http://www.directadmin.com/features.php?id=590

I could then login as [email protected] and with the standard account so that was solved.
But there was no email delivery

i searched these forums and found a tread wich told me to patch dovecot:
do this in a shell:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/customapache
patch -p0 < exim.conf.dovecot.patch

dont know why it was so hard to find but this worked for me
I don't know how you installed Dovecot. If you installed it using the build script in CustomApache, it would have updated exim.conf for you.

i am sorry Jeff

I am sorry Jeff it did not do so :(
i am not a proffessor but i followed the explanation and did it with the customapache script, it started working (i could login and so) but there was no mail comming.
only after the patch it worked

hope it helps you

ps: can you give me a temp license?
i need to move to a new server
debian 3.1
I don't know why it didn't update the exim.conf file for you.

I can't help you with the temporary license; I don't work JBMC, the producers of DirectAdmin. You should probably contact DirectAdmin sales.

I just don't want to start a new thread...
I have a problem with both mail web-interfaces - Squirrelmail and Uebimiau. I get 500 error. DA is installed on FreeBSD 5.3, php 4.4.4. Can anyone explain how to get it work?

Added: found some useful information, I think. A line from apache error log: "SoftException in Application.cpp:297: UID of script "/var/www/html/webmail/index.php" is smaller than min_uid"

What does it mean? How can I get rid of it?
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Show us the results of:
$ ls -al /var/www/html/webmail/index.php
Thanks, but I found the problem - suphp didn't allow the script with the owner "root" to run. I changed owner, and it's ok now.
But from that moment I try to get to know how to add a module to Apache... :)