Discussion about CustomBuild

[root@srv02 ~]# cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
[root@srv02 custombuild]# ./build frontpage_ext
Found /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/fp50.linux.tar.gz
Extracting Frontpage Extensions...
Setting the suidkey...
Creating we80.cnf...
Done. Frontpage Extension install complete.
[root@srv02 custombuild]# ./build mod_frontpage
Found /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/mod_frontpage-1.6.1.tar.gz
Extracting ...
Configuring mod_frontpage-1.6.1...

Let's see if it's a valid httpd... YES!
sbindir is /usr/sbin, trying to find apxs...Found!
Config directory: /etc/httpd/conf

Compiler: gcc


Include directory: /usr/include/apache

Libexecdir: /usr/lib/apache

Can't find /etc/httpd/conf
make: *** Geen regel voor het maken van doel `clean'. Stop.
Done. Making mod_frontpage-1.6.1...
Trying to make mod_frontpage...
make: *** Geen doelen gespecificeerd en geen makefile gevonden. Stop.

*** The make has failed, do you want to try to make again? (y,n):

The make isn't working, so frontpage isn't working...
It is installed in directadmin, and i needed to touch both srm.conf en access.conf to enable it in DA.

but when i connect with frontpage, it gives an error, that frontpage is not installed.
That's the problem :) With CustomBuild you can only use Apache 1.3 if you want to have mod_frontpage. With Apache 2.x you have mod_dav as mod_frontpage replacement.
Okay, I understand it,

But why isn't webdav also not working?
You sad it was installed by default in Apache 2
But it still cannot connect, are there any modifications neede in user/httpd .conf files?

How can i undo/uninstall those Previous 2 scripts i just ran on our server..
Are isn't that a problem.
Yes, it's just installed with Apache 2.x, but not configured (it's not included in DirectAdmin interface yet, please contact DA support for more information).
Well, the point is:
On the older version of Apache my htaccess worked only with that line.
When i opened furion.nl/hosting he readed the file furion.nl/hosting.php before.
The thing is, he dont uses this multiviews anymore...

I have installed custombuild on a server with default PHP5 as CGI and PHP4 CLI as well with it. PHP4 works fine if a file has extension .php4, but I'd like to know is it possible to make just for one client to use PHP4 as default and how?
Is it in DirectAdmin? If yes - contact DirectAdmin support. :)

Apparently in the build you aren't running the patches. So I am not sure exactly what the frontpage_ext and mod_frontpage options are doing. Half the job maybe? Not sure.


if [ $OS = "FreeBSD" ]; then
patch -p0 < ../$FP_PATCH0
patch -p0 < ../fp-patch-apache_1.3.22
patch -p0 < ../fp-patch-suexec

This should be added so that it properly patches. These are from customapache.

Again I really think there should be a frontpage=ap1 or frontpage=ap2 (ap2 working only for AP 2.0) for the options.conf so that it will build it properly before it cleans. Just my opinion.

Big Wil
changes in options.conf don't seem to affect my apache, and for some reason my proftpd is dead now :/