Discussion about CustomBuild

Thanks for your answers, that did answer my main questions.
You're welcome.
As for the links, that might have come off wrong, I was fishing for somebody who might have had similar questions, and had them answered, and knew excatly where to look, without having to do any hunting.
I thought so (hence the "smiley") but that's not what you wrote :).
I wasn't asking for somebody to hunt for me.
Thanks again for your help
And again, you're welcome.

It installs the latest version (if "./build update" is done) :) Do "./build versions" and you'll see if you have the latest version.
With custombuild 1.1.14 on centos 5.1 64bit, the configure-script for php 5.2.6 seems to have a few options that doesn't exist:

Notice: Following unknown configure options were used:


./configure --help tells me that these exist:
--with-curl[=DIR] Include cURL support
--with-curlwrappers Use cURL for url streams
--with-gd[=DIR] Include GD support. DIR is the GD library base
install directory [BUNDLED]
--with-freetype-dir[=DIR] GD: Set the path to FreeType 2 install prefix
--disable-xml Disable XML support
(and alot that has to do with libxml)
--enable-zip Include Zip read/write support
(nothing similar to --enable-track-vars)
(nothing similar to --enable-memory-limit)

Any recommendations? :)

Edit: Just noticed that the configure-script actually has both versions, I guess this is to ensure at least one of them works in any given 5.*-version?
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You can now install a fixed version of the CustomBuild script.

CustomBuild 1.1:
cd /usr/local/directadmin
wget -O custombuild.tar.gz http://www.custombuild.eu/custombuild-1.1.15.tar.gz
tar xzf custombuild.tar.gz
CustomBuild 1.2:
cd /usr/local/directadmin
wget -O custombuild.tar.gz http://www.custombuild.eu/custombuild-1.2.9.tar.gz
tar xzf custombuild.tar.gz
Does rewrite_confs take care of custom/ap2/conf/* too?

I have a few modified files (httpd.conf itself and a couple extra/*), but `build' code seems to check only for custom/ap2/configure.*alternative files.
Am I wrong?

If I modify configure/ap2/conf/* will they be rewritten by the next custombuild update?

Sorry if those questions can be answered just by running rewrite_confs and check for myself, but I only have a production server and I don't want to risk a downtime while I replace the wrong files.
Does rewrite_confs take care of custom/ap2/conf/* too?

Rewrite_confs is used to rewrite existing Apache configuration files (/etc/httpd/conf/...), not templates.

I have a few modified files (httpd.conf itself and a couple extra/*), but `build' code seems to check only for custom/ap2/configure.*alternative files.
Am I wrong?

If you have files in "custom" directory it takes them instead of files from "configure" dir. E.g. if you have configure.php5 file in custom/ap2 - it won't take it from configure/ap2.

If I modify configure/ap2/conf/* will they be rewritten by the next custombuild update?

Yes, they will be. That's why you can use that "custom" directory.
Rewrite_confs is used to rewrite existing Apache configuration files (/etc/httpd/conf/...), not templates.
Yes, I know that. I'm just ESL, sorry if you misunderstood.

My question is: does rewrite_confs copy custom/ap2/conf/httpd.conf instead of configure/ap2/conf/httpd.conf to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf?

If you have files in "custom" directory it takes them instead of files from "configure" dir. E.g. if you have configure.php5 file in custom/ap2 - it won't take it from configure/ap2.
I know that, but does it work only for custom/*/configure.* files, or the conf/ templates too?
I've read the code and it seems to ignore custom/ap2/conf/* competely; it just copies configure/ap2/conf to /etc/httpd/conf, no matter if custom/ap2/conf exists or not.

Let's rephrase it: "can I use custom templates?". And I'm talking about Apache's configuration templates, not the script that call autoconf's `configure'.
Yes, I know that. I'm just ESL, sorry if you misunderstood.

My question is: does rewrite_confs copy custom/ap2/conf/httpd.conf instead of configure/ap2/conf/httpd.conf to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf?

No, it doesn't. It could be a feature-request :)
Then be it :) I guess I wouldn't be the only one using it.

If you have been coding some other feature I could write the patch for you, just let me know.
I've been using MailScanner (www.mailscanner.info) before I started using DirectAdmin. It lets me scan mail for viruses for one thing. It also integrates with SpamAssassin. I can block by filename or content, quarantine messages, etc, etc.
All of which can be done in the exim.conf file, and I believe are done by the exim.conf file as it currently stands. Please tell me what's missing.


I install php4-cli and php5-cgi (default), but php-cgi eat to much resouce cause my server loads too high. So how I can disable/enable php-cgi on every domain or user?

did the "./build phpmyadmin" to upgrade to latest phpmyadmin. All went fine however i can not login to phpMyadmin anymore?
Some changes in the 2.11 > 3.0 i think? Does someone have a fix? searched around here but did not found the answer that suited my needs....
I upgraded from 2.11 to 3.0, have PHP5.2.6 and MySQL5.x installed...
in 2.11 every user could logon with his own creds.

Thanx in advance


Sorry for the trouble, but it is fixed. Sort of... it didn't need fixing :) Tried to login as a DA user/password instead of MYSQL user/password :(
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Hi all,

I have a strange problem with MySQL 5 installed via custombuild. The problem first raised after upgrading to version 5.0.51 and still present in 5.0.67
The issue is that within approx. 15 minutes after restarting MySQL it takes near 100Mb of RAM and then starts memory consumption rapidly, causing huge overloads and taking up to 300Mb. LA in such moments raises up to 100.
I've tried stracing the mysqld process and noticed quite a lot attempts to change network socket options. However, disabling networking didn't help.

Here's my my.cnf:

socket          = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

socket          = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
nice            = 10

user            = mysql
pid-file        = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
socket          = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
basedir         = /usr
datadir         = /home/mysql
tmpdir          = /tmp
language        = /usr/local/mysql/share/mysql/english
key_buffer              = 16M
max_allowed_packet      = 16M
thread_stack            = 128K
thread_cache_size       = 8
query_cache_type        = 1
max_user_connections    = 200
max_connections         = 500
interactive_timeout     = 10
wait_timeout            = 20
connect_timeout         = 20
thread_cache_size       = 128
key_buffer              = 128M
join_buffer             = 1M
max_connect_errors      = 20
table_cache             = 1024
record_buffer           = 1M
sort_buffer_size        = 1M
read_buffer_size        = 1M
read_rnd_buffer_size    = 1M
thread_concurrency      = 2
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M
query_cache_limit       = 1M
query_cache_size        = 32M
log_bin                 = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log
expire_logs_days        = 10
max_binlog_size         = 100M

max_allowed_packet      = 16M

key_buffer              = 64M
sort_buffer             = 64M
read_buffer             = 16M
write_buffer            = 16M

The server is running and up-to-date Debian etch 32bit; Athlon64 3500+/2Gb RAM.
iostat doesn't show any major I/O activities during either normal work or overloads.
There're 190 databases, total size of all DBs is 7.6Gb

Please advice what can be wrong and how the issue could be fixed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
I am getting some strange characters when I run ./build versions on freebsd 6.3


Notice all the rw lines at the bottom part :D

[root@venom /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild]# ./build versions
Latest version of Apache: 2.2.10
Installed version of Apache: 2.2.10

Latest version of suPHP: 0.6.3
Installed version of suPHP: 0.6.3

Latest version of autoconf: 2.61
Installed version of autoconf: 2.61

Latest version of automake: 1.10.1
Installed version of automake: 1.10.1

Latest version of libtool: 2.2.6
Installed version of libtool: 2.2.6

Latest version of PCRE: 7.8
Installed version of PCRE: 7.8

Latest version of curl: 7.19.0
Installed version of curl: 7.19.0

Latest version of FreeType: 2.3.7
Installed version of FreeType: 2.3.7

Latest version of dovecot: 1.1.7
Installed version of dovecot: 1.1.7

Latest version of MySQL: 5.0.67
Installed version of MySQL: 5.0.67

cat: /usr/local/lib/php.ini: No such file or directory
Latest version of Atmail: 1.02
Installed version of Atmail: total 230



Atmail webmail update is available.

Latest version of RoundCube webmail: 0.1.1
Installed version of RoundCube webmail: 0.1.1

Latest version of phpMyAdmin:
Installed version of phpMyAdmin:

phpMyAdmin update is available.

Latest version of SquirrelMail: 1.4.17
Installed version of SquirrelMail: nuts

SquirrelMail webmail update is available.

If you want to update all the available versions run: ./build update_versions
[root@venom /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild]#