Magic # is 337


Verified User
May 30, 2007
Your apache crashes when directadmin-vhosts.conf line exceeds 336 or more. Meaning if lines > 336 apache = failed to start.

I am on
CentOS 4.4
Apache 2.2.6
PHP 5.2.4
MySQL 5.0.x
DA 1.31

Yeah you guys will probably think "wth", 337?

Well see, I came into this conclusion when I did numerous tests.

I added a domain after 336 domains already existed on my server, meaning the newest one is 337, there are now 337 lines at directadmin-vhosts.conf . I restart apache, it failed, won't start.. giving me a segmentation error.

I remove the domain I just added, restart apache, woohoo, everything's fine.

I am just curious, does anyone have a similar system like me and have around 200 or 300 accounts that can help me verify this?

I've tried the following things:

Removing $ENV from /etc/init.d/httpd
Recompiling apache
Hired a tech, wasted $30, he discovered the same thing that I discovered, which didn't help anything.

No Luck
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