[RELEASE] Invoicing Manager 1.3

No ive not fixed it. How could i? its your script/program. I tried to install and it gave me that error.

Sorry there';s no more information I can give you really, you'll have to have a closer look. If you need me to try anything, let me know. If you want my msn PM me and maybe we can work on it together at some point.

First off, thanks for testing so quickly. The update version showing as 1.3 is correct as this is a Beta release and not an official release. Once the bugs are resolved the plugin will be released and the update version increased to 1.4 so current users can upgrade.

As for the bug in the install.php did you fix it and install or have you not installed yet? If you did, please give me the change to make, if not I'll have to look closer because I cannot see any obvious problem there.

I'll compare the packaged version of the install script to my version, maybe I included an old version.

Kind reagards,

the error is in line 53

echo "<h1>Invoicing Manager successfuly installed.</h1>";
echo "Please ensure that your server IP has been entered in our licensing system.<br>"
echo "Please edit your preferences.<br>"

it sould be
echo "<h1>Invoicing Manager successfuly installed.</h1>";
echo "Please ensure that your server IP has been entered in our licensing system.<br>;"
echo "Please edit your preferences.<br>";

u forgot the at the last 2 lines the ;

and at the end u have
exit 0;

but it sould be

after that the install works
Last edited:
config.inc.php is also missing the the beta version
After install i got a error that it could not find config.inc.php
I just uploaded the config.inc.php from 1.3 then i got a error that it failed to open /lang/.php ???
well ok i make a copy of uk.php and name it .php
looks like that works

But the plug-in works very unstable
cant activate paypal and stuff like that (maby becouse /ipn is empty?)
the error is in line 53

echo "<h1>Invoicing Manager successfuly installed.</h1>";
echo "Please ensure that your server IP has been entered in our licensing system.<br>"
echo "Please edit your preferences.<br>"

it sould be
echo "<h1>Invoicing Manager successfuly installed.</h1>";
echo "Please ensure that your server IP has been entered in our licensing system.<br>;"
echo "Please edit your preferences.<br>";

u forgot the at the last 2 lines the ;

and at the end u have
exit 0;

but it sould be

after that the install works

Thanks, I did find the error.

I apologize to everyone for not posting the fix sooner but I've been layed up in bed with flu. The fix will be posted today.

config.inc.php is also missing the the beta version
After install i got a error that it could not find config.inc.php
I just uploaded the config.inc.php from 1.3 then i got a error that it failed to open /lang/.php ???
well ok i make a copy of uk.php and name it .php
looks like that works

But the plug-in works very unstable
cant activate paypal and stuff like that (maby becouse /ipn is empty?)

This is the correct config.inc.php.


## Information related to your DA install, used to get user, reseller and package information
        $domain = 'sampledomain.com'; //you are main domain name
        $port = '2222'; //directadmin port (default: 2222)

## Language information
        // User Languages

        $languages = array ('English','Dutch','German','French','Spanish');

        // Language Files in 'lang' subdirectory
        $lang = 'uk'; // Language File to use.

## Payment Gateway information
        $gateway = 'PayPal';

        /* http://www.sampledomain.com/ipn/ipn.php is used when clients pay their invoices over directadmin,
                payment information will be passed through url specified by http://www.sampledomain.com/ipn/ipn.php */
        $ipn = 'http://www.sampledomain.com/ipn/ipn.php';

## DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE                                                        ##
        $plugindir    = '/usr/local/directadmin/plugins/invoicing_manager/'; // do not edit
        $usersdir     = '/usr/local/directadmin/plugins/invoicing_manager/data/'; // do not edit
        $ipndir       = '/usr/local/directadmin/plugins/invoicing_manager/ipn/'; // do not edit
        $langpath     = '/usr/local/directadmin/plugins/invoicing_manager/lang/'; // do not edit
        $templatesdir = '/usr/local/directadmin/plugins/invoicing_manager/templates/'; // do not edit
        $gateways     = array('PayPal','2CheckOut','Google'); // do not edit
I see that the file config.inc.sample was not included in the package, it is now...

The IPN stuff is seperate, I'll finish it as soon as possible and distribute it.

Is this something we have to impliment or will it all be included in the install file?

Sorry but im not a coder and dont know.
Is this something we have to impliment or will it all be included in the install file?

Sorry but im not a coder and dont know.

If i read correct al the fixes are included now.

Beta versions have bugs and its up to beta testers to find them (maby correct them if u can).
Sow if u want to use it without bugs dont use a Beta.
If u want to help finding the bugs and make it more stable it would be great if u test it also. I will try to do my best to also fix problems if u find any.
Correct me if im wrong but this shouldnt be on sale yet. Thats the whole idea of beta testing. Ive paid for a 12months licence and havent even been able to install it yet.
Correct me if im wrong but this shouldnt be on sale yet. Thats the whole idea of beta testing. Ive paid for a 12months licence and havent even been able to install it yet.


Thank you for your comment. Version 1.x was a commercial plugin when I bought all the rights to the plugin. Version 1.3 was a simple repackaging with IonCube encoder to solve the bulk of the issues people were having with the plugin.

The reason for version 1.4 to be in Beta is because I want comments on the new functionality. Version 1.4 plugin is actually finished and ready for release, what I must finish before I release the plugin is the IPN (Payment notification) the planning is to complete this in the next week or two.

Kind regards,
Is this something we have to impliment or will it all be included in the install file?

Sorry but im not a coder and dont know.

All the fixes are included in the plugin.

The IPN stuff you'll have to place in a web accessible place and configure it to work with your accounts.

If you want seamless integration with your website you'll have to do some programming or find someone who can.

Can you explain more...

That of the plugin works very unstable was when i copyed the config file of 1.3 to 1.4 that wasnt realy stable becouse the config file is encoded.
But now that i have a good and correct config file and it looks mutch more stable.
That of the plugin works very unstable was when i copyed the config file of 1.3 to 1.4 that wasnt realy stable becouse the config file is encoded.
But now that i have a good and correct config file and it looks mutch more stable.

Ok, Please let me know how it goes. I will have the PayPal IPN completed soon. Also if you have an Italian language file I would like to include that as standard. Please include some header with your information, based on this below....

// Filename     : uk.php
// Author       : Onno Vrijburg
// E-Mail       : info AT invoicingmanager DOT com
// Last updated : 22 December 2007
// Description  : English UK language file for the Invoicing Manager Plugin
// Version History
// 0.5 - 22/12/2007  : Added additional text from new functionality.
// 0.4 - 19/12/2007  : Added text from new Admin section of plugin.
// 0.3 - 13/12/2007  : Added text from user section of plugin.
// 0.2 - 29/11/2007  : Added additional text for new functionality in Reseller section.
// 0.1 - 15/11/2007  : Created uk.php file based on text in reseller section of version 1.3 plugin.

This will be included in the language file for final distribution.

Also anybody else interested in translating the plugin please download the plugin using the link provided for beta release and use the uk.php file as a basis for translation.

Kind regards,

Thank you for your comment. Version 1.x was a commercial plugin when I bought all the rights to the plugin. Version 1.3 was a simple repackaging with IonCube encoder to solve the bulk of the issues people were having with the plugin.

The reason for version 1.4 to be in Beta is because I want comments on the new functionality. Version 1.4 plugin is actually finished and ready for release, what I must finish before I release the plugin is the IPN (Payment notification) the planning is to complete this in the next week or two.

Kind regards,

So when this is finally released from beta are you going to start my licence from that day? I don't feel you can charge me for a non working product until it works?
So when this is finally released from beta are you going to start my licence from that day? I don't feel you can charge me for a non working product until it works?

I will add 2 months to your license.
