subdomain problem


Verified User
Feb 5, 2006
i recently suspended a custoemrs accoutn and thena few days later i unsuspended it. now when the customer looks at his domain setup page he sees only 2 subdomains listed upder a dmain when their are actually five. and only 2 subdmains work corectly the wother come up with.

This is a placeholder for the subdomain

and no that sient the doamin i see i just censored it.

i added a new subdomain to that domain but i get the same thing. i deleted a sub and readded it but no luck either.

any other ideas.
The suspend/unsuspend code doesn't touch much; it simply points to a different home directory and renames some other directories.

So I don't see how it could cause the problems you noted.

Have you shelled into the server to look to see if the subdomains are even there?

If not, then if you don't have backups you won't be able to restore them.

you were right thay have been dleted. what could of caused this to happen. all i did was suspend him.
Do you have billing software that might have deleted the account?

There's no code in DA that can delete when you request a suspend.

Of course there's always the possibility of what we used to call, in the Air Force, a cockpit error, or what automobile mechanics sometimes call a loose nut behind the steering wheel. It's quite easy to click on delete when you mean suspend. Of course you have to respond to a second chance warning, but if you're sleepy enough, you can easily do that without thinking, too. I know I've done it in the past, and I only hope I'll never do it again in the future. I often refuse to do important work when I'm a bit tired ... for just this reason.

the only billing software i have is clientexec and that isent setup to create or delete accounts. and the only data that was lost from his 5 domains was from 3 subdomains.

not to worry though their were backups and they have been restored.