Zip & rar files prob. Ie browser


Verified User
Aug 11, 2007
Iam faceing a problem with my attachment and any file with ext. Of rar / zip and gzip on my server .!
While useing the ff the files open good and normaly, but when useing the Ie , all are damaged archive .
Even thou if i make download to my database sql.gz from the mysql management ,, its damage also .
I meet same problem , OS is centos 5 32b, apache 2.2.8 php 5.x mysql 5.x, hope can give some method to fix this issue!


Iam faceing a problem with my attachment and any file with ext. Of rar / zip and gzip on my server .!
While useing the ff the files open good and normaly, but when useing the Ie , all are damaged archive .
Even thou if i make download to my database sql.gz from the mysql management ,, its damage also .

My OS is centos 5.1 64bit apache 2.2.8 php 5.x mysql 5.x .
Firefox and opera is ok,but IE err.
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How with what serverside tool are you download these files such that they're being corrupted? If some browsers work, but others don't then I would be inclined to say that it may be an issue with the browser, but I'll wait to hear how they're being downloaded.
Also, try many other download methods like apache, ftp, DA filemanager to see what works and what does, with each browser.

How with what serverside tool are you download these files such that they're being corrupted? If some browsers work, but others don't then I would be inclined to say that it may be an issue with the browser, but I'll wait to hear how they're being downloaded.
Also, try many other download methods like apache, ftp, DA filemanager to see what works and what does, with each browser.


Fox eg. let 's talk about the VBB forum ,

a . Upload one files which is format via attachement
b . Upload one files which is B.rar. format via attachement

Right now we start to Via IE download and B.rar files. did not use any tools , means direct download.

Result :

AA. After download can not extract , error is the file which is corrupted

BB. when downloading , the saving files name from browser will be show attachment.php named, strange problem !

anyway under firefox then have not this problem !

Right now i give my link here :

Pls download and test!
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I tested in Firefox and Internet Explorer 7 and it worked with both when I opened with WinRAR. Though there was an odd difference in the saves. When I saved with Firefox and opened the ZIP file, there was simply the "test.txt" file like there should have been. But when I saved with Internet Explorer and opened it, there was was file called "test" without an extension and 123 byes in size that I had to open and when I did, it'd open it and finally show me the "test.txt" file as if that file were a compressed one. It's like IE7 compressed the file into another file and then stuck it in the original ZIP file. Quite odd to say the least. o.0

Regardless, it worked in both. What program are you using to extract and compress them? Also, what version of IE are you using?
I just found out that I am having the same issue. My ZIP's are corrupted when I do a download from IE but not Opera or Firefox.

I am using FreeBSD 6.2

That's my phpinfo in case that helps to solve this.

Found the problem...

Read this:

If you are using the customapache build with Apache 2.2 it comes with mod_deflate. The conf file httpd-deflate.conf doesn't work properly with IE and ZIPs. Looking for a solution now to fix the conf file.

Alright...seems this line may be the problem:

SetOutputFilter DEFLATE

Replace it with this:

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml

That SHOULD fix the problem.
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I just found out that I am having the same issue. My ZIP's are corrupted when I do a download from IE but not Opera or Firefox.

I am using FreeBSD 6.2

That's my phpinfo in case that helps to solve this.

Found the problem...

Read this:

If you are using the customapache build with Apache 2.2 it comes with mod_deflate. The conf file httpd-deflate.conf doesn't work properly with IE and ZIPs. Looking for a solution now to fix the conf file.

Alright...seems this line may be the problem:

SetOutputFilter DEFLATE

Replace it with this:

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml

That SHOULD fix the problem.

It fix.
For me this solution didnt work.
On my vbuleltin forums there was still problem with ZIP attachments.
For solution was this =)
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI ^(.*attachment.php.*)$ no-gzip dont-vary
in mod_deflate config...