Root Notification of high load via email


Verified User
Apr 2, 2005
Hello, are there programs out there that will do just that?

I need it to list the time/date & what user/and script/file that is the culprit for causing the high load on a server. Anything like this?

Do we even have the ability to know what script/file is causing high loads in general? thanks!
Hello, are there programs out there that will do just that?

I need it to list the time/date & what user/and script/file that is the culprit for causing the high load on a server. Anything like this?

Do we even have the ability to know what script/file is causing high loads in general? thanks!

Chat to Jeff Lasman... I know he has a script that does exactly what you want.

Hi Jeff, I contacted you via your support email. Had no PM feature here. I did also look up that SIM as well. Looks to be good but if we have something already, I would like to use it instead of SIM.

If Bloory would like to explain a little more of if he is using it, i'd like some pointers=)
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Thank I got it. How do I install this? Execute this as cron every minute?