Major problem with email - Need help ASAP please


Verified User
Jan 1, 2008
A couple days ago, my server went down at about 2:30pm. I was out of the office and didn't catch it until about 9pm. My hosting provider for my VPS had it fixed within an hour.

Since then, I cannot get any emails via POP3 (no matter which mail client I use).

My hosting company said that there was a problem with the 'named' configuration files, but I don't understand because I haven't touched them and they've been working all the way along.

Anyway... I need to get the POP3 back up. My server is running FastCGI & suPHP. In addition I have vm-pop3d installed.

ALSO: If I were to go over to dovecot, would it make the email a bit more stable??

Please helps ASAP
I cannot tell why you're having the problem you're having, and you don't really give enough information. The BIND (named) configuration files shouldn't affect mail delivery, but if you ran out of space on or more partitions, then you might have bad files and/or directory structures.

Yes, Dovecot should make life a bit more stable when it comes to mail delivery. But it probably won't magically fix a delivery process that's broken now.

Thanks for the response. My provider was able to fix it by installing Dovecot. It did magically fix it believe it or not. Go figure!

Sorry for not giving enough information, I didn't know what to give.