Incorrect login for all ProFTPd users


Verified User
Jul 23, 2008

My server with DA has been running fine with a handful users. Some users required their own IP addresses and I moved them from the shared IP onto their own new one. Now noone can login to their domain via FTP. It worked fine before.

I've googled and read up in this forum. As suggested I've checked that AuthUserFile is correct in proftpd.conf, which it is. I've also checked the owner of the user password file, and actually it was root ftp rather than ftp ftp. I've updated some of the files, but I notice DA is unable to write new ftp login info into these files.

I can however login to the first account created on the system with the main ftp account, however the user account (user@domain) gives me an incorrect login...

STATUS:> [05.08.2008 23:41:24] Getting listing ""...
STATUS:> [05.08.2008 23:41:24] Resolving host name
STATUS:> [05.08.2008 23:41:24] Host name resolved: ip =
STATUS:> [05.08.2008 23:41:24] Connecting to FTP server... (ip =
STATUS:> [05.08.2008 23:41:24] Socket connected. Waiting for welcome message...
[05.08.2008 23:41:34] 220 ProFTPD 1.3.1 Server (ProFTPD Default Installation) []
STATUS:> [05.08.2008 23:41:34] Connected. Authenticating...
COMMAND:> [05.08.2008 23:41:34] USER [email protected]
[05.08.2008 23:41:34] 331 Password required for [email protected]
COMMAND:> [05.08.2008 23:41:34] PASS *****
[05.08.2008 23:41:34] 530 Login incorrect.
ERROR:> [05.08.2008 23:41:34] Not logged in.
ERROR:> [05.08.2008 23:41:34] Can't login. Disconnecting...

Any idea what's going on?

Kind regards,

For owned IPs there a few things you need to check.
This is the general how-it-works guide:

1) Make sure the IP is in /etc/proftpd.vhosts.conf
There should be a ftp.passwd file in that IPs virtualhost.

2) Check that ftp.passwd file. Make sure the username you're using exists in the ftp.passwd file. (Double check your password, try resetting it to be sure.)

3) restart proftpd to ensure that the proftpd.vhosts.conf is loaded in.
Confirm that there is:
Include /etc/proftpd.vhosts.conf
at the bottom of the /etc/proftpd.conf flie.

4) if that still doesn't work, load up proftpd in debug mode:
and check what it has to say when you try to login and get a failure.
Things like invalid permissions/ownerships on the documentroot of the ftp account can cause errors as well.

5) make sure you don't have a firewall blocking the required ports. Shut off any firewalls for testing to see if that sorts it out.
