Transfer Da To Cpanel


Verified User
Oct 11, 2008
hi every body
i have 2 month DA
and this panel is very good but i eant now migrated to on Cpanel Control Panel
but i search in google and all forums and i am not found script or plugin for transfer
please hep me step by step
and i transfer with WHM all my account database connect have a error for database not convert to cpanel

help me plaese soon thanks
Best regards:)
I guess this is more a question for cPanel.. Because DirectAdmin won't make scripts to migrate to other CP's but to migrate to DirectAdmin.
Are you trying to migrate from cPanel to DirectAdmin? If so then search these forums for the migration script.

Are you trying to migrate from DirectAdmin to cPanel? If so, then we really can't help.

i have only 1 error
i can transfer all accounts but only my database not work and all files is transfer
mydatabase and email and detail all account please help me
Since you didn't answer my question I can't help you; perhaps someone else will respond.
