unable to find diradmin user / unable to read conf


Verified User
Apr 17, 2008
Georgia, US
I am getting the following error on Ubuntu 8.04 amd64 when running ./directadmin

Unable to read config file. Cannot find the diradmin user.  Make sure the diradmin user exists in your system.<br>

The install scripts created the diradmin user and 'directadmin i' copied the directadmin.conf file to the appropriate location. I have also made sure the permissions on this file are correct.

uid=111(diradmin) gid=118(diradmin) groups=118(diradmin)

I was thinking that since this a static binary, it would run OK on the 64-bit OS... could this assumption be wrong?

Has anyone seen this error before?

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Thank you for your reply, but the user already exists.

I put the 32bit version of the OS on the machine, and 'directadmin i' succeeded.

I'm still not 100% certain that there wasn't something else wrong, as I had gone through the install process twenty times or so already beforehand on the previous installation ( working out bugs in the install scripts ).
You have to make sure your license matchs your os. You cannot run a different os license on a different os.
Does it really discriminate between 64 and 32 bit versions?

I've read on the forums of others having success with 64 bit etch I think.
Thanks for your reply.

Yes, I've already PM'd the person I was referring to. Hopefully they'll reply ;-)
have same issue


my OS is ubuntu 8.04 on a 64 bit machine. I double checked and setup on the Debian 3.1/4.0 license. I get the following errors:

Install of /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/proftpd.conf to /etc/proftpd.conf successfull
Install of /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/directadmin.conf to /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf successfull
*** Unable to read directadmin.conf. Check permissions and make sure that it exists. Cannot find the diradmin user. Make sure the diradmin user exists in your system.<br>


Cannot find /usr/local/bin/php
Please recompile php with custombuild, eg:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build all d

This appears to be a 64-bit system.
a common cause of http/php compile failures is mentioned here:

If this applies to you, then type:

ln -sf /usr/lib64/libexpat.so /usr/lib/libexpat.so
ln -sf /usr/lib64/libm.so /usr/lib/libm.so
ln -sf /usr/lib64/libssl.so /usr/lib/libssl.so
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build all d

I checked for those files in the lib64 dir and they are not there, so I did not make the symbolic links.

The diradmin.conf file is in place owner.group is root.root with permission of rw----

Any ideas,thoughts?
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I was unable to get the DA binary to run on Ubuntu 8.04 amd64.

The only supported 64-bit OS is CentOS.