Socket errors


Verified User
Oct 12, 2008

Since yesterday I keep getting messages that the DA service on the server is down. I can't find any usefull information in de log files execpt this message:

2009:06:21-16:01:50: Socket write error: fd is connected to a pipe or socket whose reading end is closed. When this happens the writing process will also receive a SIG_PIPE signal. (Thus, the write return value is seen only if the program catches, blocks or ignores this signal.)
2009:06:21-16:01:50: Error reading from

This message is repeating over and over again. What does this mean? I couldn't find out on the internet whaat this message means.

Also a other messages found a few times in the log:

2009:06:18-13:25:48: Timeout from from : last flagged: Request::readAndProcess(*skt,,

What I forgot to report is that despite the fact that I receive messages that DA is down, DA is not down but accessible...
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Have you tried restarting DirectAdmin from a root shell? If you do, you should see a specific error message which may be different, and which may help.

I didn't try restarting DA.
These messages just starting to show up Saturday night while nobody was working with of on the server.
Try restarting DirectAdmin through the shell to see if you get any errors.

Without any problems:

/root$ /etc/init.d/directadmin restart
Stopping DirectAdmin: [ OK ]
Starting DirectAdmin: [ OK ]

What I forgot to report is that despite the fact that I receive messages that DA is down, DA is not down but accessible...
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I don't know why you're getting the message. For me to figure it out I'd have to log into your system and our minimum service charge is us$125. So you probably should ask DirectAdmin Support, if your license includes support.

Thought i better speak up, I also just got this error yesterday.

009:11:12-18:21:00: Socket write error: fd is connected to a pipe or socket whose reading end is closed.  When this  happens the writing process will also receive a SIG_PIPE signal.  (Thus, the write return value is seen only if  the program catches, blocks or ignores this signal.)
2009:11:12-18:21:00: Error reading from

I dont know either. This happened to us when a new client signed up with us yesterday.

cheers. your not alone MikeVrind.
I got the same error. what's the solution about this?
Did you solved the error?

If you're getting messages that DA is down, but it in fact isn't down, likely either your /proc "procfs" partition isn't mounted right, or you're running binaries compiled for an OS different than your own. Check Admin Level -> Licenses Updates -> Compile on:

I believe some of the FreeBSD versions are slightly different than other FreeBSD vesions. Some get the processes from the kernel directly, while others get them from the /proc directory.

If you're DA is actually down, then use this guide:
Try running DA manually, eg:
cd /usr/local/directadmin

Note that some socket errors are normal (if you can still access DA normally). For example, if ever a transfer is aborted by the User (eg: press esc, or change pages before an image finishes) that would throw a socket errors.

Also if you connect to https on an http connection, or vice versa, those errors might show up.

Also ensure you're not blacklisted.
If the file exists, make sure your IP isn't in it:

You can also run DA in debug mode to see more of what's going on:
cd /usr/local/directadmin
killall -9 directadmin
./directadmin b2000
If you get the message
Bind Error: Make sure there aren't any copies running in the background
Address already in use
that just means that DA is already running running, so the "killall -9 directadmin" can be run to kill existing processes before starting a new one.
