Send mail to certain domains via different mail server


Verified User
Oct 31, 2003
Hotmail/msn/ have banned the servers that I rent in the fdcservers data center in Chicago. I believe that it's because of excessive spam sent from that data center (but not from my servers). At least, that was the situation with the uce3.dnsbl list a month ago. I don't know for sure because I have contacted hotmail/live/msn repeatedly but not received a good explanation yet, nor have my servers been removed from their blacklist yet. Judging from the forums, this is a very common problem in the last week or two. My servers are not listed on any other blacklists.

In the meantime, my users are complaining because they cannot send to these addresses.

One of the servers is running postfix and I have set that up, for now, to route mail to msn, etc, via a third server in a different data center.

I would like to do the same thing with exim on my DA server, but I am not as familiar with exim and not quite sure what to google for. With postfix, I edit the transport file on the sending server and the mynetworks variable on the relay server.

Is there anyone with experience doing something like this with exim who could point me in the right direction?
The setting in exim.conf is called either smarthost or smart_host; I forget which.

The setting in exim.conf is called either smarthost or smart_host; I forget which.

Thank you for the help. With that as a key, I found this page: and ended up adding this to exim.conf after "begin routers":
    driver = manualroute
    domains =
    transport = remote_smtp
    route_data = "my.backup.server byname"

Does that look right? It seems to work.

Also, a trivial question but I can't seem to find the answer -- how does one delimit domains in exim.conf. I would like to include and on the list of domains -- do I delimit with a space, a comma, something else...

Thanks again for the help.
Answering my own question: a colon seems to work to delimit domains, ie