mysql root password plain text setup.txt


Verified User
Aug 21, 2005
Hello Directadmin support,

How safe/unsafe is it to have setup.txt display in plain text, the mysql root password ?

Thanks !
The DirectAdmin forums are not an official support forum. You might want to contact them directly.

Here's my take on it: it all depends where you keep it. Of course a local exploit could find it, but generally it's kept far away from anywhere a web browser can find.

While I don't especially like it, I can't see a different way to easily keep it on the server.

Any other comments?

Thanks Jeff, You feel the same way we do about it :) We're thinking of changing it to something else. Does any script or application make refference to this file ? In other words, if we change mysqlroot password to something other than what it indicates in that file, will we break any DA related processes that you know of ?
Nothing in da uses mysql. Its only required in /usr/local/directadmin/conf/mysql.conf for setting up and removing database for the users.

And it probably only needs the grant, add database, remove database privileges.

I always change my mysql root pass after setting up anyways.