Clamav unstable after upgrade


Verified User
Jul 12, 2005
Paris, KY
I am having issues with clamav after I upgraded to the latest version. The clamd daemon is very unstable and will just randomly die. When this happens, exim stops delivering mail and smtp breaks. Does anyone know of any code I can add to the exim.conf to allow mail delivery even if clamd stops? I am also looking for a healthcheck script that will notify me when clamd stops and possibly restart it. I have been trying to troubleshoot this for several days. I turned on debug in the clamav conf, but never got any useful info in my logs. I cannot find out why clamd just stops. I also have issues with restarting clamd. I have to stop dovecot and exim, then start clamd, and restart dovecot & exim. If I try to start/restart clamd without stopping exim and dovecot, it fails. It will not not create a Start appears successful in the logs but no process runs and I get a message that subsys is locked. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
I don't believe the exim control language is sophisticated enought to see if a process is running. I suppose you could run a daemon just to check on clamav and post it's status in the form of a file. For exmple: if clamav is running, then a file exists called /etc/ and if it stops running your daemon could delete the file.

Then you could make custom changes to exim.conf to not route through clamav if the file didn't exist.
