Update mpt2sas driver module before or after DirectAdmin installation?


Verified User
Mar 17, 2004
I have a question before I start my DirectAdmin installation.

I installed a bare minimum CentOS 5.5 64-bit onto a new Dell server. Dell provides an updated mpt2sas driver module for my RAID card. When I tried to install the updated driver, I received an error message saying failed dependency because lsb was needed. I ran "yum install lsb" which then installed several packages, including mysql. I was able to proceed and update the mpt2sas driver module but now I do not have a bare minimum install.

Because DirectAdmin works best with a bare minimum install, should I start over with a fresh and clean CentOS install, then install DirectAdmin, and then update my mpt2sas driver (since I'm assuming lsb will be installed with DA)? Will installing the driver after a DA install cause me any problems?

Or should I install DA now, after I've updated the driver and installed lsb?

I just want to make sure moving forward I have a good DA install and of course have this updated driver for my raid card.

As mentioned in my email, you should be fine to install any drivers you need to make the OS work. As for any conflicting services like mysql or exim, remove them with:
rpm -e --nodeps
, etc... so that they don't conflict with the versions we install.
