DA for iPhone

Does this app work with the brute force monitor function that was added to DA recently? I would like to be able to block offending hosts easily from my phone with this app.
© 2011 DirectAdmin for iPhone All right reserved.

That's the footer of your website.. Why? You should add something that tells us that 'directadmin'app.com is not related to directadmin at all :eek:
© 2011 DirectAdmin for iPhone All right reserved. may be correct. The proper format for international copyright is the copyright symbol followed by the year of copyright, followed by the name of the copyrighting entity. If the name of the company is DirectAdmin for iPhone, then the form is correct. However I agree with you that it's confusing and even if correct should be followed by a disclaimer that it's not the same company as DirectAdmin.

© 2011 DirectAdmin for iPhone All right reserved. may be correct. The proper format for international copyright is the copyright symbol followed by the year of copyright, followed by the name of the copyrighting entity. If the name of the company is DirectAdmin for iPhone, then the form is correct. However I agree with you that it's confusing and even if correct should be followed by a disclaimer that it's not the same company as DirectAdmin.


Great thanks, Jeff! I added the following message: Directadmin is a registered trademark of JBMC Software. DA for iphone application has been developed by a third-party developer and are not associated with JBMC Software.
Does this app work with the brute force monitor function that was added to DA recently? I would like to be able to block offending hosts easily from my phone with this app.

Thanks shaggy.
We have received many cool feature requests. However, many of them are not supported by directadmin API, so as brute force monitor. We will keep updating the application and do our best to satisfy you with the high quality applications.
Yes, Da for iPhone work well in IOS5.

A preview of Version 1.6( submitted to app store)
DA for iPhone will be renamed to "DA for iPhone & iPad". And it will be an universal app which support both iPhone and iPad.
It's time to update to version 1.6. We release an universal app in this update
An new update (v1.7) is available now.
- cron job fix
- There is a (universal) version for the ipad
- There is a option to create a server list with user/pass to choose from, this list is of course password protected
We submitted a new version of DA for iPhone & iPad. In this version, the application will support for iOS8, also it will Support for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Please wait several days for the new update (v1.8).
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What are the differences with Direct Admin by Bram Mulders[/URL] after the update?

Since DA for iphone & iPad is the first directadmin iphone client, we have more features then other apps, such as reboot server. We have more features than others in admin access level and reseller level:

✔ Administrator Accounts
Administrator account creation, listing, modification, and deletion is done quickly and easily.

✔ Reseller Accounts

✔ Manage Reseller Package

✔ Ip Management
User can add, delete and list ips.

✔ DNS Administration
User can create zone, delete and list dns.

✔ Service Monitor
User can start, stop, restart and reload directadmin, dovecot, exim, httpd mysqld, named, proftpd, sshd service.

✔ Usage Statistics
Admin Tools
An new update (v2.01) is available now. Many improvements for iPad application.....