Roundcube and default email accounts


Verified User
Apr 27, 2009
When creating a new user account in DirectAdmin, it also is created a default email account that can't be deleted.

But the default email account is setup with a email adress in Roundcube like this:


But it should be setup like this:

With the current setup, when my users send email from default email account using Roundcube, and the receiver is sending a reply to that email, it is sent to USERNAME@localhost, and that will not work.

Is this a bug? Is there a fix or workaround for this?
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You may have to do it manually every time you create a user;

Login to phpmyadmin with Roundcube database info that da_roundcube and password. in the table Identities, add the domain to the user. It is the easiest way to do it :)
I answered an earlier thread today already. I believe you can have your user set this up inside RoundCube settings by changing the default identity or adding another.

You can't do it automatically without writing software (php?) to do it and run it each time you add a user (DirectAdmin's post_create hook).

We recommend users don't ue their default email address but rather set up their own, and forward their default address to one of those. This may not work for you.
