DNS problem (server can't resolve local domains, it can do resolve remote domains)


Verified User
Aug 24, 2008
Hello everybody

- CURL has always worked for both local and remote domains
- Since yesterday, no longer local domains (problem: Could not resolve host)
- If I add a local domain directly to /etc/hosts, then curl works again for that specific domain.

What possibly could have gone wrong:
- Reseller account: subdomain from main domain of the server -> own domain name (.be registered yesterday afternoon)

I have done:
- Update (custom build)
- ./build all
- Check /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/hosts OK
- In directacmin the DNS settings compared with those on other server: seems ok

Notable in directadmin dns config:
Yes / No in the column 'local data';
hostname = no and can resolve.
other domain = yes and it does not resolve when using curl.
All domain names are online.

Does anyone have suggestions?

Have you also checked your /etc/named.conf file?
It could be that localhost is not included as allowed to lookup local hostnames.

Check the "view localhost_resolver" setting.
However if the domain is registered yesterday and your nameservers are oke, it should have shown up now by the resolver nameservers.
Thanks for the help, Richard!

/etc/named.conf.options on server with problem:
options {
directory "/var/cache/bind";
auth-nxdomain no;
listen-on-v6 { any; };

/etc/named.conf.option on server without problem:
options {
directory "/var/cache/bind";
fetch-glue no;

I also compared named.conf; seems ok.
Problem is solved.

Cause: ns2 was not yet set on this server...

Thanks again for the willingness to help
