ssl issue


Verified User
Jan 28, 2011

I have installed ssl but i will not upload my files to private_html how i can use public_html and https instead private_html ?

Thank you

There is an option directadmin for the domain.

Or manually create a symlink for private_html

p.s. please search the forums, or google around.
Detailed Instruction


Here is detailed information:

  1. Go to User Level
  2. Your Account > Domain Setup > Click your DOMAIN
  3. Under the "private_html setup for DOMAIN" select this:
    Use a symbolic link from private_html to public_html - allows for same data in http and https
  4. Don't forget to click save ;)

That's all.
SSL with symlink on not works


I installed today my godaddy SSL certificate.
then I tried to test my domain with https, it failed cause there are no files in the private folder, SO I find out, after long searching, how to enable sysmlink under DomainAdministration.

- symlink OFF, the addressbar shows me my Certificate as secured and there is a BLUE Box on the left. But there is no content in the private folder to get my site up.
- symlink ON, I get a https:// addressline in my browser, but the BLUE SSL verification leaves and there is a INSECURE MESSAGE in the Box ! but the site still shows a https address.

Anyone could help me please to solve this problem :cool:

Thanks a lot for helping me,
Andy ;P
Probably a mixture of both secure and insecure content (hard links to http://) but we really can't help you debug this without the complete URL.

I didn't check your profile, and if I did, I wouldn't presume that was the domain with the problem; some of us host many thousands of domains; they're not all listed in our profiles :).

The problem is definitely as I thought; you've got links (probably to images) which are being called insecurely; probably with http instead of https. This is easy to fix if all the images are on the same domain; just make them simple relative links, for example:
instead of
but march harder to do if the images are not in the same domain.

Different browsers handle this problem differently; when using Firefox on my linux desktop the https stays, the blue Certificate indicator goes away, but there's no warning.

Thanks Jeff,

just checked my links, there is my seal pic from godaddy linked with and 2 pics from SEO site linked with, cause they are not https that SSL is not working ?!

PLEASE WHAT can I do...

I've explained the problem. Without studying the site's source files I can't be any more specific than I have been. You can have me fix it for you; I would charge for that and I'd need ftp access to your site (it would take less time and therefore be less expensive if I could get shell access). If interested please feel free to email me; address is below in my siglines.
