Downgrade PHP 5.4 to 5.3.19


Verified User
May 9, 2006
Hi guys,

Just wondering how I could actually downgrade my PHP 5.4 to PHP 5.3.19?

It seems that quite a few clients of mine are complaining that they can't use Zend and etc. Will I be able to use CustomBuild to downgrade it? If yes, then how could I go about doing it?

Will I break anything? Is there anything I have to change or do if I downgrade this? I don't wanna be doing this and find out that something is not working and this and that. Hope you could tell me what is going to be different and etc so that I can be prepared.

Thanks. Hope someone here can help me out!
Yes just change the php version in options.conf file in your custombuild folder and run ./build php n