File upload fails in Roundcube


Verified User
Nov 7, 2006
Leek, NL
Hi, i don't know if this is the correct place for this thread, but....

Yesterday i've finally upgraded my PHP to 5.3 (upgrade to 5.4 scheduled within some months) with CustomBuild 1.2
All is working well except Roundcube. Whenever trying to add a attachment this fails.

Does anyone recognise this problem? I've searched here and google but cannot find something that looks like my problem or is very (2007) old.

Apache 2.2.24
MySQL 5.5.30
Exim 4.80.1
Dovecot 2.1.15
PHP 5.3.22
Roundcube 0.8.5

Thanx, Michiel
Thanx for your quick reply SeLLeRoNe,

that was my initial (and only ;) ) thought also. Did that, but it did not help.


you should check this log:


For see if there is any useful information in it regarding your problem.

Last recorded error in the file from march 5th, i upgraded on the 6th so no records since upgrade.
However i just failed login on purpose, thats also not logged...
-rwxrwx--- 1 webapps webapps 549995 Mar 5 18:00 errors
-rwxrwx--- 1 webapps webapps 872487 Mar 5 17:28 sendmail

Seems to be some permissions problem anyhow?
PHP: 5.3.22 as CLI without mail() header patch

disabled mail-header-patch since its not nessecary for php5.3

Not using mod_ruid2 yet, however want to because heard its better than suPHP
Your welcome.

But keep in mind that this should be a risk for your system, i highly recommend to use mod_ruid2 so you will not need anymore 777 directory/file permissions.
