DirectAdmin 1.44.0 has been released

Just tested on our test box, and I don't see that bug.
Double check it's correct reading it from the directadmin.conf by looking at the loaded values:
cd /usr/local/directadmin
./directadmin c | grep max_per_email_send_limit
if that still shows -1 or 150, then that's the issue.

The most common issue is that there is a missing newline character at the end of the last line in the directadmin.conf.
Basically, add a blank space at the bottom of the directadmin.conf, and restart DA.
Test with the ./directadmin c method again to confirm it's working.

Well, now I feel silly. That was indeed the case. The da.conf on one of the servers didn't end in a new line. Thanks for pointing that out.
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I was using an older version before.
And with that version, the BCC send mails where counted also.
With this version, BCC mails does not seem to be calculated as one mail.
How can I enable it again?

So if you send 1 mail, with 100 BCC's, it will count as one,
as this was not the case in my old, there were 100 mails calculated.

Edit 1:
Maybe this (bug) was introduced since version 11,
see feature:
the message ID is logged, if the message ID was already logged, (if one message (in the BCC list) was already sent) the next BCC sent won't be counted again.
Please correct me if I am wrong.

Edit 2:
Deleting the message ID check in does fix the count of the actual BCC, CC or TO e-mail counter.
delete the
if ($mid ne "")
code block.
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M opinion is that the introduction of "innodb_file_per_table" in my.cnf should be a decision left to the server owner. There is a huge penalty if you have tables with lots of inserts, updates and deletes such as with stats or antispam apps.

What is the advantage for DA?