DISCONTINUED CyberAdmin Skin - The best skin ever made for DirectAdmin so far, coming soon!

Why would you not use the many tools freely available to you to make this happen?
You do not even need to learn a new language, google does this for you with just a click... are your customers not that important?

That's a good question. I will transfer the question to the manager.
Hello Nexxterra,

Of course our customers are important, but our customer are already aware how we work. As a matter of fact, we are 13 employees, and all of us in customer support speak english fairly well, and we give service in english, we respond to them in english and we even have internal email templates we already use in English. We don't send our bulletin in English for now, but we will in the future :)

Thanks for your interest in Cyberneticos!

Important notice!

After update our SSL certificates in our servers, some clients are experiencing problems when CyberAdmin try to check the license.

Please, review that your server has openssl-1.0.1g or higher. After update OpenSSL, you need to recompile CURL and PHP with CustomBuild.

King regards,
Does that mean that your skin would not run on CentOS 5 any longer with its OpenSSL 0.9.8?
Hello Zeiter, Javier will get that answered for you Monday first thing. Thanks for your patience!!!
Hello Nexxterra,

Of course our customers are important, but our customer are already aware how we work. As a matter of fact, we are 13 employees, and all of us in customer support speak english fairly well, and we give service in english, we respond to them in english and we even have internal email templates we already use in English. We don't send our bulletin in English for now, but we will in the future :)

Thanks for your interest in Cyberneticos!

The entire point is how much money are you leaving on the table because those that do not know your business perceive that there may be a communication problem...I live in Miami and one needs to learn Spanish to do most everything here, but millions and millions find a language barrier intimidating!
You may never really know the extent of what is being lost... I am the opposite, I do not offer Spanish as I can communicate in person, but I can not do so very well over the phone! I too am leaving behind a lot of money!
Does that mean that your skin would not run on CentOS 5 any longer with its OpenSSL 0.9.8?

Yes, but if you update to OpenSSL 1.0.1g and recompile PHP and CURL from CustomBuild, CyberAdmin works!
New release v1.5.0

Changes and new features / Modificaciones y mejoras:

  • Add new options in 'Custom Httpd Configuration' panel / Añadidas nuevas opciones al panel 'HTTPd Personalizado'
  • Add new options in 'Settings' panel / Añadidas nuevas opciones al panel 'Configuración'
  • Add support for 'Security Questions' / Añadido soporte para 'Preguntas de seguridad'
  • Add INodes to statistics panels / Añadido INodos a los paneles de estadísticas
  • Update to improve styles for 'Lost Password' form (Require login page reinstall, see README.txt) / Actualización para mejorar los estilos actualizados para el formulario 'Lost Password' (Requiere reinstalación de la página de login, vea LEAME.txt)
  • Update to 'File Manager' to improve message treatment during file compression / Actualización del 'Gestor de Archivos' para mejorar el tratamiento de mensajes al comprimir ficheros
  • Update to 'File Manager' to refresh page after execute 'Protect' action / Actualización del 'Gestor de Archivos' para refrescar la página tras lanzar la acción 'Protect'
  • Update to add a default navigation in message template / Actualización para añadir navegación por defecto en la plantilla de mensajes
  • Update to improve button styles / Actualización para mejorar estilos de los botones
  • Update to visualize error messages in 'Skin Manager' / Actualización para visualizar mensajes de error en 'Gestor de Skins'
  • Fix plugin list visualization in user domains panel and menus / Corrección de la visualización de la lista de plugins en el panel de dominios del usuario y en menus
  • Fix language tokens in 'File Editor' panel / Corrección de tokens de idioma en el panel 'Editor de Archivos'
  • Fix error while checking local license key with domain associated to the license / Corrección de error durante la comprobación de la clave de licencia local con dominio asociado a la licencia

Due to the fact that ionCube has been removed support for oldest versions of the Loader,
CyberAdmin, from version 1.4.2, will only be compatible with versions of ionCube Loader 4+.
With versions of the ionCube Loader prior to 4, CyberAdmin 1.5.0 may stop working.
Please, feel free to comment or ask about this issue.

Debido a que ionCube ha eliminado el soporte para versiones antiguas del Loader, CyberAdmin,
a partir de su versión 1.4.2, solo será compatible con versiones de ionCube Loader 4+.
Con versiones del ionCube Loader anteriores a la 4, CyberAdmin 1.5.0 podría dejar de funcionar.
Por favor, le invitamos a comentar o consultar cualquier duda que tenga al respecto.

UnZIP the file first in your PC, then upload the TAR.GZ file you extracted vía the skin manager replacing any previous versions you have
installed with this one.All bugs have been fixed. If you find any issues please report it here on this thread. Thank you!
New release v1.5.1

Changes and new features / Modificaciones y mejoras:

  • Adds new links to disk usage detail and bandwidth usage detail from charts in the User panel / Añadidos nuevos enlaces al detalle de uso de disco y al detalle de uso de ancho de banda sobre las gráficas del panel de Usuario
  • Adds new options in 'Brute Force Monitor' / Añadidas nuevas opciones en 'Monitor de Fuerza Bruta'
  • Adds new error message box in the bottom of the screen / Añadido nuevo cuadro de mensajes de error en la parte inferior de la pantalla
  • Fix false positive error message in 'Skin Manager' / Corrección de mensaje de error falso positivo en 'Gestor de Skins'
  • Fix style error in 'Details for user ...' for Chrome browser / Corrección de estilos en 'Datos de usuario ...' para el navegador Chrome
  • Fix style for shortcuts when a plugin set an icon image for the link / Corrección de estilos de atajos rápidos cuando un plugin establece un icono en el enlace
  • Fix error in domain search for Admin dashboard / Corrección de error en la búsqueda de dominios del panel de Administrador
  • Fix domain number values for Reseller dashboard / Corrección de valores numéricos de dominio del panel de Reseller
  • Fix missed language tokens in 'Site Bakcup' / Corrección de tokens de idioma inexistentes en 'Backup del Sitio'
  • Improved tokens translation for spanish language / Mejorada la traducción de tokens del idioma español

Due to the fact that ionCube has been removed support for oldest versions of the Loader,
CyberAdmin, from version 1.4.2, will only be compatible with versions of ionCube Loader 4+.
With versions of the ionCube Loader prior to 4, CyberAdmin 1.x.x may stop working.
Please, feel free to comment or ask about this issue.

Debido a que ionCube ha eliminado el soporte para versiones antiguas del Loader, CyberAdmin,
a partir de su versión 1.4.2, solo será compatible con versiones de ionCube Loader 4+.
Con versiones del ionCube Loader anteriores a la 4, CyberAdmin 1.x.x podría dejar de funcionar.
Por favor, le invitamos a comentar o consultar cualquier duda que tenga al respecto.

UnZIP the file first in your PC, then upload the TAR.GZ file you extracted vía the skin manager replacing any previous versions you have
installed with this one.All bugs have been fixed. If you find any issues please report it here on this thread. Thank you!
Errors in dashboard

Hi all,

First of all, thanks for the great skin. I'm using it since yesterday, looks so much better now.
Only thing I notice is an error on the dashboard page when logged in as admin.

Warning: Illegal string offset 'status' in /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/CyberAdmin/include/functions.php on line 156 Notice: Undefined variable: load1 in /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/CyberAdmin/include/functions.php on line 165 Notice: Undefined variable: load5 in /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/CyberAdmin/include/functions.php on line 166 Notice: Undefined variable: load15 in /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/CyberAdmin/include/functions.php on line 167 Notice: Undefined index: uptime in - on line 91

What can I do to solve this? Also checked your own site, but I don't speak Spanish ;)

Thanks in advance,

I'm not sure i'm the only one, but i've noticed this problem since the last update and never had time to write here.

When i use the search function at admin and reseller level on the right panel it doesnt work..

Well, let be clear, if i search for username it DOES work, but if i seach for a domain name (or a part of it) it DOESN'T work (and actually is the search i use the most).

Once the search is done and it open the result, same issue, search for user DOES work, search for domain name (or part of it) DOESN'T work.



Sellerone... Did you get this resolved?

I just wanted to let you know it's working for me.

I'm not sure what's different about our configs but...

Do you see anything in the error logs?
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Hi jkirker,

no, i still have this problem, is kind of boring thing because i need to remember my customers users (or find them), but would be nice if it get fixed actually.

Do you need information about the server? If yes just let me know.

Best regards

If i look for a domain owned by user admin (at admin level) it show the domain, but if i search for a domain owned by another user it doesnt work.


Regarding searching domains. Here is what I've found out:

Version 1.5.1 has a bug. When searching a domain from admin's dashboard CyberAdmin switches an admin into User Level search:


Here we search only against a list of domains owned by admin.

Version 1.5.0 works fine. When searching a domain from admin's dashboard CyberAdmin uses a correct link and search string:


Here we search against a list of all domains of all users.

Another issue/bug:

To display Load, memory, SWAP usage on admin's dashboard the skin uses PHP function exec(). What is more surprising the skin uses the system default php.ini, i.e. that one installed by CustomBuild be default. And here is the issue, when we disable potentially dangerous functions with custombuild:

./build secure_php

the PHP function exec() gets disabled. You can see the following line:

disable_functions = exec,system,passthru,shell_exec,escapeshellarg,escapeshellcmd,proc_close,proc_open,dl,popen,show_source,posix_kill,posix_mkfifo,posix_getpwuid,posix_setpgid,posix_setsid,posix_setuid,posix_setgid,posix_seteuid,posix_setegid,posix_uname

in /usr/local/php*/lib/php.ini

Currently Directadmin does not allow to specify a custom php.ini when calling PHP from inside a skin template, thus this should be either a feature request for Directadmin, or CyberAdmin should install its own PHP version in order to use a custom php.ini. The latest would be too absurd I'd rather say, probably a wrapper would suit the needs better. This is true if we still want to have PHP secured on a server.
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A wrapper as mentioned in #475 could be as the following:

PHP wrapper for CyberSkin



/usr/local/bin/php -c /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/cyberadmin/include/php.ini $@

where /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/cyberadmin/include/php.ini is a copy of existing php.ini without exec in a list of disable_functions=

SK_PHP should be changed in /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/cyberadmin/include/config.html to /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/cyberadmin/include/php-wrapper

chmod 555 /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/cyberadmin/include/php-wrapper
I am so sorry for the long delay for the response, seems like the subscription to this thread has been dropped from my profile and I have not received the notifications by email.

I'am going to review all errors/issues reported and I try to release a bugfix version as soon as possible.

New release v1.5.2

Changes and new features / Modificaciones y mejoras:

  • Fix search in Admin and Reseller dashboards / Corrección de búsquedas en los paneles de Administrador y Reseller
  • Fix warning messages in Admin dashboard / Corrección de mensajes de warning en el panel de Administrador
  • Fix styles for Comodo WAF plugin / Corrección de estilos del plugin Comodo WAF
  • Update to spanish translation / Actualización de la traducción al español

Due to the fact that ionCube has been removed support for oldest versions of the Loader,
CyberAdmin, from version 1.4.2, will only be compatible with versions of ionCube Loader 4+.
With versions of the ionCube Loader prior to 4, CyberAdmin 1.x.x may stop working.
Please, feel free to comment or ask about this issue.

Debido a que ionCube ha eliminado el soporte para versiones antiguas del Loader, CyberAdmin,
a partir de su versión 1.4.2, solo será compatible con versiones de ionCube Loader 4+.
Con versiones del ionCube Loader anteriores a la 4, CyberAdmin 1.x.x podría dejar de funcionar.
Por favor, le invitamos a comentar o consultar cualquier duda que tenga al respecto.

UnZIP the file first in your PC, then upload the TAR.GZ file you extracted vía the skin manager replacing any previous versions you have
installed with this one.All bugs have been fixed. If you find any issues please report it here on this thread. Thank you!
New release v1.5.3

Changes and new features / Modificaciones y mejoras:

  • Fix styles in Admin and Reseller backup panels / Corrección de estilos en los paneles de backup de Administrador y Reseller
  • Fix error in 'Custom HTTPd Configurations' panel for PHP-FPM per user customization / Corrección en el panel 'HTTPd Personalizado' para la configuración de PHP-FPM por usuario

Due to the fact that ionCube has been removed support for oldest versions of the Loader,
CyberAdmin, from version 1.4.2, will only be compatible with versions of ionCube Loader 4+.
With versions of the ionCube Loader prior to 4, CyberAdmin 1.x.x may stop working.
Please, feel free to comment or ask about this issue.

Debido a que ionCube ha eliminado el soporte para versiones antiguas del Loader, CyberAdmin,
a partir de su versión 1.4.2, solo será compatible con versiones de ionCube Loader 4+.
Con versiones del ionCube Loader anteriores a la 4, CyberAdmin 1.x.x podría dejar de funcionar.
Por favor, le invitamos a comentar o consultar cualquier duda que tenga al respecto.

UnZIP the file first in your PC, then upload the TAR.GZ file you extracted vía the skin manager replacing any previous versions you have
installed with this one.All bugs have been fixed. If you find any issues please report it here on this thread. Thank you!