phpmyadmin error


Verified User
Jun 18, 2010
Hi, phpmyadmin is not working no one server, when i try to load it, it says:

Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly.

I uncommented session.save_path on php.ini , set 777 permissions on /tmp, removed old files on that folder and restarted httpd service but still does not work.

The odd thing is that i can access phpmyadmin using Chrome, but i cannot write changes (create a table for example).

How can i solve this issue?

You need to flush your browser cache.
One possible reason for this is a session data mismatch between the browser and the webserver causing it to not be able to pull out the required session info and dumping this error dialogue on your lap.
You need to flush your browser cache.
One possible reason for this is a session data mismatch between the browser and the webserver causing it to not be able to pull out the required session info and dumping this error dialogue on your lap.

Hi, i already tried that, even on other pc and other browsers.