Roundcube 1.1.0 released


Verified User
Nov 23, 2009
São Paulo - Brazil
This is the next major version 1.1 of Roundcube webmail. With this milestone we introduce new features since version 1.0 as well as some clean-up with the 3rd party libraries:

  • Allow searching across multiple folders
  • Improved support for screen readers and assistive technology using WCAG 2.0 and WAI ARIA standards
  • Update to TinyMCE 4.1 to support images in HTML signatures (copy & paste)
  • Added namespace filter and folder searching in folder manager
  • New config option to disable UI elements/actions
  • Stronger password encryption using OpenSSL
  • Support for the IMAP SPECIAL-USE extension
  • Support for Oracle as database backend
  • Manage 3rd party libs with Composer

And of course plenty of small improvements and bug fixes.

In addition to that, we added a new features to improve protection against possible but yet unknown CSRF attacks - thanks to the help of Kolab Systems who supplied the concept and development resources for this.

Read the full list of changes here:

IMPORTANT: with the 1.1.x series, we drop support for PHP < 5.3.7 and Internet Explorer < 9. IE7/IE8 support can be restored by enabling the legacy_browser plugin.
After some testing, it seems to work fine.
I've added it to files1.
They're now using a different naming format for the tar.gz, so I just renamed it after the download.

Not too sure how it was earlier, but now roundcube comes with .htaccess which is among the other lines having the following lines:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^favicon\.ico$ skins/larry/images/favicon.ico

it causes a 500 error with the following text in error_logs:

[Wed Feb 11 00:33:36.922619 2015] [core:alert] [pid 14411:tid 140683015071488] [client] /var/www/html/roundcube/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here[Wed Feb 11 00:35:07.254358 2015] [fcgid:error] [pid 15630:tid 140683527546624] mod_fcgid: process /usr/local/safe-bin/ exit(communication error), get unexpected signal 11

as we have

# head /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-hostname.conf<Directory /var/www/html>
        Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch +IncludesNoExec
        AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo Indexes Limit Options=Includes,IncludesNOEXEC,Indexes,ExecCGI,MultiViews,SymLinksIfOwnerMatch,None

and apache built without harden_symlinks_patch

root@server:/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild# grep patch options.conf

So I guess we need CustomBuild to replace +FollowSymLinks with +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch in /var/www/html/roundcube/.htaccess
Changing +FollowSymLinks to +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch in the /var/www/html/roundcube/.htaccess file fixes the 500 error.

We will need a CustomBuild patch to deal with this for future version updates...

Thanks for the reports.
I've added a perl regex to the roundcube install section of all 3 CB versions to swap the .htaccess.
Changes added to files1, so allow up to 24 hours for rsync.

Once updated, you can use this to have CB swap it for you:
./build update
./build roundcube
or just do it manually by editing the .htaccess.

I'm trying to get secure url to work but I get 404 error and additional 403 error. I added
RewriteRule ^/roundcube/[a-f0-9]{16}/(.*) /roundcube/$1 [PT,L]
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c> </IfModule>
and added secureurl in Can anybody help me to get it to work? Thanks