Multi Server Setup: timed out while testing connection

From server b can you ping server a?
If not, this could be a firewall issue.
Make sure your 2 servers can communicate with each other and then about the only other thing you need to worry about is the password and username...this will be your DA, not the root!
Looks indeed like a firewall issue.
Take care the port you are using (default port 2222 tcp) on server B is open.

Username and pass you can configure yourself but by default the DA admin username and pass is used.
I miss your comment on the firewall if the used port is opened in your firewall both incoming and outgoing....
What's the result if you try to telnet to server B?

telnet ip.of.server.B 2222

p.s. also check if you've got "cluster=1" in your directadmin.conf of server B.
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