Improved (Simplified) Dual Stack Support


Verified User
Jul 27, 2006
We have been manually adding IPv6 addresses to customers as requested. The current system "works" but has limitations.

1) Link Feature - Requires manually tying a ipv6 to a ipv4 address. The links don't show in the user panel or in the linked IP.
2) Multi-IP - Requires adding a ipv6 to the account and then connecting as a secondary to the domain.

I would like to move to all customers having both IPv4 and IPv6. What I believe DA should have is:

1) A script that will bulk link an IPv6 address to a IPv4 address.
2) The Link feature should show that the IP is tied both on the Admin side and the user.
3) When a user is created they should be assigned an IPv4 and IPv6 address.


+1 for this

3) When a user is created they should be assigned an IPv4 (shared one) and a dedicated IPv6 address (we do have millions, why not give one per account ?)