SSL option stuck on "Use the server's certificate"


Verified User
Aug 15, 2012
I am starting to implement Let's Encrypt on all my domains, which has been succesful for two (including extra subdomains / aliases), but it is failing for the third one. That one is the first that is set to "Use the server's certificate", while the others were on "Paste a pre-generated certificate and key".

When I create a new Let's Encrypt certificate for this third domain, everything seems to execute succesfully though: the domain is validated and the certificate is created; I can also add the extra subdomains through the san_config file and succesfully renew the certificate; ... but although the certificate is probably perfectly fine (I see it sitting in /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/admin/domains), it's not being used because the domain is still sending the old certificate (and in DA, it is still set to "server's certificate"). I don't manage to decouple it from that.

What am I missing?

Close your browser and reopen the site, you might see a cached information.
Alternatively check your site with
Thanks for the suggestion. I had already tried out the new settings with a 'New Private/Ingognito Window', always a handy way to work around sessions etc. This way I could see the new SSL certificate for my first two domains, but not for the third one. An extra argument is that in the DirectAdmin settings window, the radio button is still on "Use the server's certificate" for my third domain, while it is on "Paste a pre-generated certificate and key" for the other two, with a little note about Let's Encrypt below.

So even though my third domain's letsencrypt certificate is correctly created, it's not being used. Right after making the setting, it does say something about that the certificate is saved to the server's certificate, but I don't think it really does that because it keeps working with the old certificate (which is still valid for two weeks). I have also tried disabling and re-enabling SSL on the domain, but with no luck; that radio button is stuck to "Use the server's certificate"! :s

Any other workarounds I might try?
Thank you, enabling SNI seems to have fixed the issue! My 'third domain' is now succesfully using the Let's Encrypt certificate. For some reason it's not showing the notice about "Let's Encrypt in use. Auto-renewal in ... Days.", but I'll just check it myself in 85 days.