Exim versions?


Verified User
May 31, 2014
I have noticed the DA KB now refers to ./build set eximconf_release 4.5. Currently my options.conf is still set to 4.4 (I even had one with 4.3 listed). When I went to Google I couldn't find version info, the oldest on GitHub is 4.5.

However according to system info the sever seems to be running Exim 4.89. Can someone explain this? I am probably lacking some insight here.
an someone explain this? I am probably lacking some insight here.
Well.... there is a difference between the Exim version and exim_conf version.
The latest Exim version is 3.89 as you have found.

The eximconf_release versions you are referring to, are the custom made optimized Exim configuration files, also called Spamblocker.
The latest version of that one is 4.5.6. These were made by Nobaloney, which sadly passed away.
But his spamblocker exim.conf files are still alive and widely used. Stronger said, it's very advisable to use them and use the newest version.

Hope this clarifies things for you.