Lets Encrypt Help


Verified User
Jun 15, 2004
If I want to use lets encrypt for both https access to webmail on my server and for smtp, pop3 and imap what steps do I do?

Not sure but thinking.

First enable lets encrypt:

Then enable it for email:

Is this right? Will I break anything?

I have an admin user on this server. Then I have two different regular users under admin on the same shared IP address with different domains. I want all there email connections encrypted with signed certificate on those two different domains.

In general your thoughts are in the correct direction:

- enable let's encrypt
- enable SNI
- issue cert

It should not break anything. But you might lose existing certs if you have any. So if your domain is using a paid cert, then you can not install a second cert to it with the same names, you can only replace it.
How does this work if you have say two domains on same ip address and want to use SSL with mail on both? Does each domain need to be on its own IP address?