Blocking emails with zip attachments


Verified User
Sep 14, 2015
I found several (old) threads on how to reject emails in exim with zip attachments, for example;

1) Use /etc/system_filter.exim. However that file doesn't exist:confused:?

2) from Easy Spam Fighter

3) Add zip extension to /etc/exim.clamav.conf in demime option, however that option has been deprecated and removed in the latest exim version.

I'm now wondering: what is currently the best method with the latest exim.conf, ESF & exim version to reject emails with .zip attachments?

The file /etc/system_filter.exim should exist, and I'd rather use it.
Whoops you are right, I was in the wrong folder... ;) Is the file overwritten with exim upgrades and is the use of chattr required?
I found several (old) threads on how to reject emails in exim with zip attachments, for example;

1) Use /etc/system_filter.exim. However that file doesn't exist:confused:?

2) from Easy Spam Fighter

3) Add zip extension to /etc/exim.clamav.conf in demime option, however that option has been deprecated and removed in the latest exim version.

I'm now wondering: what is currently the best method with the latest exim.conf, ESF & exim version to reject emails with .zip attachments?

Very sure you want that, while dmarc reports are in .zip! ;)
There are 3rd party services for parsing DMARC reports, some of them are even free of cost.
how to tracking log with email have attachment?

Hello everyone, sorry for my eng,

How to tracking log with email have attachments?

When client sending mail, is there any way to check log to make sure attachment was received and send successfully?

HOpe you guy give me some idea
By default Exim does not log names of attachments, and I'm not even sure whether or not it's possible. Please feel free to ask your question in Exim mailling list or/and search in Internet.