Anything I should do before resizing Disk, CPU, RAM on a live DA server?


Verified User
Mar 17, 2004
Is there anything I should be concerned about before I resize a virtual dedicated server running DirectAdmin?

There are 2 scenarios:
  1. Resize the CPU and RAM only.
  2. Resize Disk, CPU, and RAM.
Scenario 1 seems fairly straightforward, since you're just changing the CPU and RAM. But with scenario 2, you're changing the filesystem... in either scenario, is there anything I should do before or after to mitigate any potential problems with DA and the hosting environment?

The IP address will remain the same. And yes, I will be doing a full backup of everything before the resize.

Running CentOS 6.9 with DA 1.52.1 if it matters.

Thanks in advance.

If you are resizing a VPS on DigitalOcean using their control panel (I know they updated resources ;)), I'd rather do the following:

- switch off a VPS (using shutdown command)
- create snapshot (optional)
- run resize
- switch on the VPS
- re-check disk quotas:
/sbin/quotaoff -a; /sbin/quotacheck -augm; /sbin/quotaon -a;

That's it. You might omit creating a snapshot if you have backups from them enabled.
Yes, you read my mind, as the new DO pricing is much more attractive lol

Thank you very much. You always seem to answer my questions on here, and I greatly appreciate your help.