User account has sent too many emails


Verified User
Apr 19, 2015
Okay, here's a strange one: on a DA account with several different (real) e-mail accounts configured underneath it, one of the users sent out more messages than the limit for his account dictated. So he got a bunch of "550 User account [email protected] has sent too many emails" messages back.

So far, nothing strange (although I thought that messages would just be queued silently, and delivered when the next 24-hr timeframe opens).

But then another user under the same DA account suddenly also got the "has sent too many emails" message when trying to send just one message later that evening. Just to emphasize: it was a totally different e-mailaccount. There is no such thing as a DA account total allowed email limit, is there?

Things have leveled out, and all is working normal again. But isn't this strange and unexpected?