Pure-FTPd CentOS 7 - limited speeds?


Verified User
Mar 20, 2014
I have always transfers like ~5mb/s... I don't know why?

I'm using Filezilla 3.34 (unlimited transfer in options)
My internet speed can handle 15-25mb/s (yes, I checked this)
My server has 1gbps speed and if I send in SSH by the Midnight Commander to other FTPs it's like 50-60mb/s.... so where's problem? I can't see anything in /etc/pure-ftpd.conf...

How to do this to be unlimited?
There is no speed limit in pure-ftpd.
Did you also do a test not via SSH with another FTP client? Like try Total Commander (you can test for 30 days) to see what speed you have on your server. Or even better, try FlashFxp.
If you want to have a look at the config of pure-ftpd, I don't know where that is in Centos 7. In Centos 6 the /etc/pure-ftpd.conf was not used, but the /etc/init.d/pureftpd was used as all pure-ftpd options were started with a commandline in the start script like this:
OPTIONS="-B -A -C 15 -E -H -k 99 -L 10000:8 -O stats:${LOG} -l puredb:${DB} -p 35000:35999 -u 100 -U 133:022 -w -Z"

Limits are set with either -t or -T in the commandline, which are not present as you can see. You might check in the startscript in Centos 7, but since they changed the init scripts location I don't know for sure where you have to look for it as I still use Centos 6 on our servers.
My server is ok because when I download this files through browser it's my max wifi transfer - 20mb/s

I now even checked it with SFTP and there's also max 5mb/s....

I have config in /etc/pure-ftpd.conf but there's nothing with limits.... :p so I guess it should be unlimited... now I don't know if it's filezilla fault? but I have there unchecked limit options...so.... it's weird...
I doubt if the config in /etc/pure-ftpd.conf is used as this is also not used in Centos 6.

I never use Filezilla anymore, had some crappy experiences with it, so I used the payed FlashFXP which is working for many years always and it's not expensive.
However, I don't think it's Filezilla's fault, if SFTP is having the same issue.

If you are using SSL transfers in FTP, that might cause some issues with some modems. I presume you also tested with normal FTP, so plain connection, no ssl/tls or something like that? Is the speed also 5 mb/sec then? If yes, maybe somebody else has a clue.
Yes, normal FTP also 5mb/s in Filezilla.

I tested now with Midnight Commander (FTP) and there was max 9.5mb/s so a little bit more... weird it's not 15-20mb/s like in browser...