Log errors on ticket removal

Richard G

Verified User
Jul 6, 2008

I'm encoutering the following errors in the Directadmin error.log
2018:07:11-13:27:55: Ticket::getMessageNum: Unable to open /usr/local/directadmin/data/tickets/000001/1624:
2018:07:11-13:27:55: ticket read error, Removing ticket 1624 from the ./data/users/customer/tickets.list

Same happens on other accounts like my private account. We delete the ticket and then this error occurs in the log.
The ticket does get removed from DA and tickets.list is 0 bytes afterwards.

But why the "unable to open" error in the error.log on an existing ticket and after that a "read error" when removing the ticket?

I can ignore the log, just wondering if this is a bug or something which might need fixing.
Hello Richard,

If I recall it correct, Directadmin has one physical file for every ticket even if it's shown in ticket system of several users/admins of directadmin.

So if another process has already removed it from a disk you might see the error.

I believe John has mentioned that Directadmin can remove a ticket from a disk when it's no longer linked to any user/admin. Directadmin used to store all the tickets in earlier days even it was no longer linked to users (i.e. users/admins removed it from their inboxes).
In this case the users (including myself) deleted the tickets from within Directadmin.
But if I understand your comment correctly, it's just safe to ignore those errors, no need to fix anything.

Thank you!