Need help restoring '01-10-19/custom/home' backup made prior to losing system


Verified User
Sep 17, 2015
I lost my OS and am trying to recover. My OS is back up and running and I'm trying to restore a good backup of 'home' (01-10-19/custom/home) that includes all of my users and their settings. I uploaded the 'home' backup and placed it in /home/admin/user_backups. But DirectAdmin 1.55 doesn't list it as a restore file on the 'Restore Backup' screen. Can someone please tell me how I can restore my '01-10-19/custom/home' backup?

Thank you!

Try chmod 644 to files under backups folder.

/home/admin/user_backups is for reseller level backups.
/home/admin/admin_backups is used for admin level backups.

How are files under
01-10-19/custom/home named? Give 1-2 examples.
[root@server user_backups]# pwd
[root@server user_backups]# cd home
[root@server home]# dir
admin admingv246 adminlb422 admins4p22 adminsch68
[root@server home]# cd admin
[root@server admin]# dir
domains domains.tar.gz imap.tar.gz Maildir.tar.gz public_html.tar.gz
domains.md5 imap.md5 Maildir.md5 public_html.md5

I need to restore all 5 of the user accounts.

Thank you for your review Alex!
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It is not format from Directadmin backups system. You should unpack the files and place them to their original locations manually.
This backup is from a System Backup that I executed from DA.

Here are all of the directories:



Within custom is:

'home' is the only directory that I want to restore.

Thank you for helping!!
With system backups you can restore files only manually. There is no automation in Directadmin to recover data from system backups.

Well move content of 01-10-19/custom/home/* to real /home/

You might need recover /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/, /etc/virtual/ as well and as MySQL data.

User list and their passwords....
Is this what you suggest:

1) Use DA to manually make the 4 user accounts (admingv246, adminlb422, admins4p22 and adminsch68). User admin already exists.
2) Move all of the admin backup files to /home/admin
3) Restore each tar file
4) Move all of the admingv246 backup files to /home/admingv246
5) Restore each tar file
6) Repeat for other 2 users

(There are md5 files with the tar files in admin:
domains domains.tar.gz imap.tar.gz Maildir.tar.gz public_html.tar.gz
domains.md5 imap.md5 Maildir.md5 public_html.md5

Do I do anything with these?)

7) Restore 01-10-19/custom/etc/virtual.tar.gz and virtual.md5 to /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/, /etc/virtual/

8) Restore 01-10-19/mysqul/full-mysql.tar.gz, mysql.sql.tar.gz and performance_schema.sql.tar.gz to ??? (not sure where to restore this one to).

Am I close to understanding this correctly?

Thank you!
Yes, something like that. Everything seems correct, at lease from here... and if you have no customized templates and configure scripts under /usr/local/directadmin/.

Then in the end I'd rather do:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/scripts && ./ user_homes

You don't need to do anything with md5 files, they contain md5sum to validate a corresponding .tar.gz file is not corrupted or replaced by another version.

As for full-mysql.tar.gz I believe it contains mysql directory with all the existing files. On centos it should be found in /var/lib/mysql/. You should have the same MySQL/MariaDB version as one you had on old server, or the SQL server will fail to start. You have some chances the InnoDB is corrupted there, so you'd better restore from SQL dumps.
I found the correct backups!

I am uploading them now:
I see that there is one named admin.root. . . .

Should I restore all including root?
Here how the backups are named:


So you should restore all of them per your needs

The restores worked perfectly and now I'm fixing the small things like spamassassin, csf and ssl. You and Richard saved me many hours of time and helped make my install right.

Thank you!