Squirrelmail concurrent connections


Verified User
Feb 9, 2004
How i allow at least 2 connections to squirrelmail. i want to download a big file and still can browse others email.

are you talking about 2 connections to the SAME account, or differnet account?

if you are trying to connect 2 times to example:

[email protected]

their shouldn't be any problems, but it could get flaky. If you are referring to:

[email protected]
[email protected]

you should be fine, their shouldn't be too much of an impact on your users as long as your OS is decent, and your backbone pipe is enough. If you are dedicated ( assuming you are here ), their shouldn't be a problem at all.

Personally I do the second option frequently, i swap large files ( 10-25mb) with colleuges of mine who all reside on the same server.... we only notice an impact when their are lots of us pulling the file at the same time.

using the same email account, i have download a big file. once the file is downloading in squirrelmail i can not go to the next message. very troublesome to wait the file to finish to download then can move forward to next email.
in that situation i would think that you might run into some challanges. personally if i am pulling a file from e-mail i always avoid moving onto other messages.

I have noticed that kind of lag before as you mentioned, but it is not isolated to DA, i have noticed it on all kinds of mail sytems, linux, exchange, novell, etc...

if it was me, i would pull the mail down and let it finish before moving on.