CentOS 7 released.

I was thinking you could probably do a setup like you do now with apache/nginx-apache/nginx setting in the CB gui.
just have choice of mariadb or mysql.
seems to me that would handle the issue well.


I think this is the best solution, than everyone can choose for them self which db solution they want.
The problem is that switching MySQL to MariaDB 10.x is a one-way trip :) So, old versions of MariaDB would be used to allow switching between it and MySQL.
Old versions :(
Then I'll would like to go for the one-way trip with MariaDB 10.x. :-)
I would hope that MySQL remain as an option (and hopefully default), because most of us who sell shared webhosting will want to keep advertising that we have the LAMP stack, complete with Apache and MySQL. I just don't see how advertising some equivalent has the same sales appeal.

My idea is to have MySQL installed by default.. Anyone who want MariaDB can change it in option file and a warning may show before proceed to make sure they understand that there is no way switching back.
cool, thaanks. will be looking to test that on vps. no directadmin on it but I can still test.