DNS issue - can't dig A records externally


Verified User
Nov 8, 2003
I am just setting up a DirectAdmin server for the first time. I followed the new install instructions and all the DNS setting look ok in DA. In other words when I view DNS Administration in the Admin Panel I see the two name servers ns1.domain.com and ns2.domain.com as NS records, and there are A records for both ns1 and ns2 that point to the correct IP address.

However when I dig the domain from an external server, no A records appear for the server or for either of the nameservers. In the Reseller Panel under Name Servers it lists ns1 and ns2 next to the appropriate IP address, but says 'Free' in the Status column. Is that correct? Is there anything else I am missing?


I'll assume that you've manually created the zone. But it just sounds to me like a propogation issue.. just make sure you have the correct ip settings at your registrar. You can also test dig from the local machine:

dig domain.com @localhost

to see if the server is setup properly. That would guarantee that it's just a propogation, or registrar issue.

I guess it was a propagation issue, seems to be fine today. I jumped the gun thinking "that was way too easy, something must not be setup right". I guess that speaks volumes for how simple DA is to use. Thanks for your help and thanks for making it easy! ;)
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