RHEL Support


Verified User
Oct 16, 2003
Hello! I know there's a thread about this elsewhere but just wondering if we could have an official response:

* Will DA be supported on RHEL3? If so, when?

I don't imagine it would be hard, especially considering DA installs its own Exim, Apache, MySQL, etc. I wonder if you'd lose the performance advantages, for example, of the NPTL enabled MySQL build?

I'm downloading my ISOs for RHEL3 ES now so hopefully will have a few servers running it in the next few days. Any one tried it? Considering? <waits for Jeff to have a go at Fedora & RHEL :p, just kidding >

fedora is suppost to be a complete disaster..... luckily i have not even gone there yet :D from what i have heared fedora is most definitely in 'development' .... although i noticed core 1 was released yesterday? maybe things are changing?
(BTW Fedora Core 1 has been out for 10 days now.)

I've got almost exactly the opposite impression of Fedora. (and I also haven't tried it myself yet.) What have you heard that suggests it's a complete disaster?

Having read the mailing lists regularly for the past few weeks it looks to me like it's a reasonably solid release. Sure there are issues, but half the time they're from people who didn't read the release notes... For every report of difficulty there's often a number of people to pipe up and say they've upgraded a number of systems and they're running fine. Nothing abnormal from the old RHL releases if you used to read the redhat mailing lists...

I'm still waiting for my CDs to arrive - I'll let you know how it goes after the install.

Sure I wouldn't put it on a production server yet, but who ever put a RH release on a server straight after release???

I reckon Red Hat deserve a lot me credit than they're getting for the move to Fedora. It was a risky decision but I think it'll be better for all of us in the long run if we can actually contribute to the development process. The new yum & apt support right in up2date is tangible evidence that the switch is worth it.