usage stats eth0 versus bandwidth


Verified User
May 26, 2003
in all my three DA servers the 'current usage of bandwidth' is a lot more than 'Usage Stats for eth0'.
But, it dont have to be the same, or at least eth0 more that the bandwidth controlled by DA?

Not all of the services are included in DirectAdmin's bandwidth totals. Services such as pop, imap and smtp arn't included in the bandwidth totals. On top of that, there can be a lot of traffic to the main IP sites (apache) which arn't logged for any user... I know that with all of the Microsoft server attacks, our apache can easily use up one gig of useless break in attempts on the IP, which won't be counted against anyone. There is also the local downloading of thing using wget, fetch or up2date which arn't included. The little backdoor things can add up pretty quickly, but are just a standard overhead for running a server.

yes, i know, but shouldnt 'eth0' (the network card) stats all the traffic, so a lot more that 'bandwidth current usage')?

Could we include a ethernet stat in a future release under the admin panel? It could show the ip's on the system and the total inbound and outbound traffic.

Device Ip Address Outbound (Meg) Inbound (Meg)
eth0 1.05 2.02
eth0:1 100.02 574.78
eth0:2 253.43 710.32

Just a thought for some future release. It may be cool for possible a v2.0 release to sneak in MRTG?

Just a thought...

shouldnt 'eth0' (the network card) stats all the traffic, so a lot more that 'bandwidth current usage')?

Yes, it will, but things like rebooting will reset it. Also, (I'm not quite sure how this works) but the datacenter might be resetting or something.. I know in the case of this server, the eth0 stats often get reset back to zero on their own without a reboot or network restart.

Re: eth0 bandwidth. We currently do have eth0 bandwith which includes all the IP's on that device. Ifconfig doesn't show stats for ip aliases (only eth0 combined), so I'd have to figure out where to get the bandwidth info from.

DirectAdmin Support said:

I know in the case of this server, the eth0 stats often get reset back to zero on their own without a reboot or network restart.

I had this problem with my home firewall ( and found on their forums that it seems to reset at 4gb. I haven't watched it too closely, but mine currently is 2577mb for eth0 and directadmin says I've done ~8gb today (no reboots or service restarts).

If you want something to keep up with total usage try bwbar. Also, one of the server setup guides on here has a how-to for it.
eth0 has an internal limit, once reached it resets to 0, no idea what this is though. RRDTool notes this in its documentation (

I can burn alot of bandwidth with wget and such, its best just to keep a tally of how much you use on 100mb+ files. Considering i can get a 500mb file in about 2.5minutes it can burn bandwidth fast.

I may (one day) write a script that will keep track of total bandwidth usage over eth0. Depends if i get time to when i will be i was thinking about this about 2 weeks ago.