mySQL Access Hosts


Verified User
Jun 23, 2003
Isle of Lewis, Scotland
How do I add another host in addition to 'localhost' to access my mySQL databases ?

I use SQLyog on my local PC to administer a number of remote databases, and without being able to add another, it's impossible.

I can't believe that this isn't available.....

if you are accessing your database remotely, it *may be possible to use your servers IP as the MySQL host, this may be stopped for security although im unsure about this

:( nope, that doesn't work.

I was able to specify which hosts were allowed to access the database when I was using cpanel, and then I could put the server name as the host and it worked well.

I've now got so used to doing things this way that I don't want to have to spend ages using phpMyAdmin (which is awful) to do basic maintenance and testing on my databases.
why not try logging into phpmyadmin as root and making a user with all the permissions you need? It should work if you give it the permissions although im not to sure about how its done at the mo


Log into your MySQL database via phpMyAdmin as the user "da_admin" with your MySQL root pass. Then go to the "mysql" database and click the dbs table. Find your database, and edit the field that reads "localhost" - change it to "%". Then go to the users table, and find your mysql user. Again, change "localhost" to "%".

Hope this helps :)!