User activation email


Verified User
Oct 11, 2003

Great job on the new version. It seems that DA is getting close to perfection. I see that the reseller name can be changed now as well so that it reflects on the email sent to the new user when activated. And it also now works well with the TICKET system... This is great!

Only one question though, the email sent also has a text attached to it automaticaly of what is being sent. I guess it is a good thing (sometimes) but I just want to verify if this was intended. I personally do not have any problem with it.

The email being sent has an attachment (a text attachment) which is a plain text copy of the whole email itself.
If you're receiving an attachment... I'll have to assume that your email client is doing it.. because the emails that are sent out are just plain old text... wysiwg (what you see is what you get)... Perhaps a virus scanner is reformatting the message somehow.. not sure.

Yes my email is set to receive in HTML format as it has always been. And no I do not have a virus protection active for email either. I can receive plain text email without attachement to it with this setting so it is not my email client (outlook).

If I set my email client to receive plain text only, then there are no attachment included in the DA email.

FYI, I have the same exact email setting (HTML) before the update and have received DA emails without the attachment. Could it be that sendmail (Exim) got updated as well? Or perhaps is is because the addition of SquirrelMail? I have not tested it since the inclusion of SquirrelMail.

Again, I would like to repeat, this is perfectly fine for me and I am very happy with it. Just pointing out the changes that I observe.
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