Email only accounts


Verified User
Nov 28, 2003
I have been searching the forums for a way to be able to sell just an email only account. It doesnt have to be just one email address but that they can only do email and not hosting. I saw a few discussion about it, but didnt really see a final answer to solveing this. And everysince I have purchased DA and joined these forums all my questions have gone answered very fast by either DA themselves or the group which is wonderful and part of the reason I purchased DA. Hopefully soon I know enough about DA to be able to help answer peoples questions also but until then does anyone have an idea to this dilema?

Thanks for your help in advance.


At the momment, DA is designed for the "all-in-one" package with everything included. What you *could* do is just edit the user's skin to only show the email settings (although this wouldn't prevent a smart user from running other commands manually). Bascially, you could just set all package values to zero (other than email of course) so that they can't create other parts of a webhosting account. It would be tricky to completely block them from other things as their base ftp account and basic website (although they can be manually removed from /etc/proftpd.passwd) ...

So the bottom line is that it can be done, but it wouldn't block smart users from getting into the some places that you didn't intend them to go.

Ok good thanks ill look into editing the skin for an email only accout. I mean most of the people I would be selling this to would really know how to do anything anyhow but at least if they did i could just watch for them and send them a warning or get rid of them. Also do you guys have any plans on the table for haveing an email only feature in a future release? Or are you trying to stay away from going that route?

If john could add in a box on the "create/edit plans" page and the "customise" page of the reseller cp which has the option to give the user ftp access this would be easily accomplishable.

I changed the skin:

Dont know how it will work, dont have time to test right now :)

I think i have jailed to user completely to the email section only.

(this is the default skin)