Where is DA login page?

The default login page is hard-coded into DirectAdmin. If you want to create a custom login page, you can. Create a file named login.html in /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates
DirectAdmin will first check if that file exists. If it exists that page will be displayed, if it doesn't the default login page is displayed.
Not exactly what I'm looking for.
I was trying to replace the default login page, URL:2222

Isn't there some way to achieve that?
No, you can't if you only have a reseller account. The change that has to be made is at server level you need to add an file where only the server admin has access to, because like said above the default login page is hardcoded in directadmin.
Note that if you mix resellers and normal hosting on your server, you don't want change the default either (or don't put your site name on it, etc) as it's same one used by resellers clients.